快好知 kuaihz

in favor造句
1. The new development turned the scales in favor of that school. 2. There was no alternative for them to vote in favor. 3. All in favor of this proposition will please say " Aye ". 4. Congress voted overwhelmingly in favor of the bill. 5. I am in favor of stopping work now. 6. The majority voted in favor of the proposal. 7. The jury voted 8-to-4 in favor of acquittal. 8. 288 members voted in favor of the ban. 9. These tests weighted in favor of girls. 10. Price control would gradually disappear in favor of a free market. 11. Today's election will skew the results in favor of the northern end of the county. 12. Public opinion is gradually shifting in favor of the imprisoned men. 13. I'll raise both hands in favor of damming the river. 14. Let's put it to the vote. All those in favor raise your hands. 15. They phased out my job in favor of a computer. 16. Public opinion is shifting in favor of the new law. 17. This check is made out in favor of a food corporation. 18. The judge was biased in favor of the local team. 19. Only 20 senators voted in favor of the measure. 20. All Massachusetts lawmakers voted in favor except Rep. 21. All those in favor say aye. 22. Lleland spoke up in favor of the idea. 23. Thus, carrying costs argue in favor of carrying low levels of inventory in order to hold these costs down. 24. Last fall, 288 members voted in favor of the ban. 25. Conflicts between reasoning and perception are resolved in favor of perception. 26. Uncle left his position on the board of directors as he felt that he should move over in favor of a younger man. 27. I talked to Susie about it, and she's all in favor of going. 28. As reports gradually came in from the departments, it appeared that a majority were in favor of federalism. 29. Men tend to neglect children of their first marriages in favor of the children of their current unions. 30. Wesson eliminating the smell of cordite from their. 45s in favor of amaretto potpourri.