快好知 kuaihz

1. The Charles River flows through Boston. 2. Charles remained a close ally of the French king. 3. Charles Dickens wrote many novels. 4. Charles Dickens was a well known. 5. The attack on Charles was deeply unjust. 6. Charles Dickens is one of the best-known Victorian novelists. 7. Prince Charles is a keen polo player. 8. He was hight Charles the Fair. 9. She has broken off her engagement to Charles. 10. Charles instigated a programme of reforms. 11. Charles Schulz created the characters 'Snoopy' and 'Charlie Brown'. 12. Charles listened with rapture to her singing. 12.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 13. Charles displays unreserved admiration for his grandfather. 14. He walked at a rapid pace along Charles Street. 15. Charles was brave and remarkably good-humoured. 16. Charles arrived shortly afterwards . 17. Charles Babbage's mechanical calculating engines were the antecedents of the modern computer. 18. Will Charles renounce the throne in favour of his son? 19. It distressed her that she and Charles no longer socialized with old friends. 20. To his indignation, Charles found that his name was not on the list. 21. He greeted Charles with a languid wave of his hand. 22. The way Charles tried to make up to the boss was distasteful to the workers. 23. In response, Charles VI sent a punitive expedition to Brittany, raping and killing the populace. 24. "She's probably had a row with her boyfriend," Charles opined. 25. Charles I had his head cut off. 26. 'That's the only possible solution.' 'Yes, I suppose so,' Charles conceded. 27. It was a tremendous coup for the local paper to get an exclusive interview with Prince Charles. 28. The school was made famous by its association with Charles Dickens. 29. She perked up as soon as I mentioned that Charles was coming to dinner. 30. Sometimes she would pick up the telephone and natter to Charles.