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current account造句
61. The current account deficit always changes relatively slowly. 62. With investment down and saving up, the current account deficit will narrow. 63. The basic balance is the sum of the current account balance and the net movement of long-term capital. 64. An introduction of some basic knowledge about currency convertibility which concludes currency convertibility under current account and capital account. 65. "Recent improvements in the current account balance, especially in the trade balance, have shown that there is no basis for yuan to appreciate significantly, " Guan wrote. 66. Countries with severe and persistent current account deficits were allowed to devalue their currency. 67. Based on the fixed price and the current account settlement exchange rate. 68. When anyone opens a current account at a bank[Sentence dictionary], he is lending the bank money. 69. With a special current account one has to have least 20 thousand dollars in the account at any time. 70. They form part of the current account balance of payments and include funds arising from shipping, tourism, insurance, banking and commodity services. 71. U.S. current account deficit continue to worsen, and no letup is in sight. 72. Excessive consumption resulted in global imbalances such as the US current account deficit. 73. America's current account deficit due more to bubbles in asset prices than to a misaligned dollar. 74. First, the UK's net international investment position is positive and its current account deficit modest. 75. Would you like a deposit account or a current account? 76. The current account is popular with most white collar workers in our company. It is a more flexible and convenient to arrange money. 77. Goods account is a very important sub-account of current account in balance of international payments (BIP), and has great impaction to the balance of China's BIP. 78. Another important reason for the deterioration of the current account balance has been the decreasing contribution from the income account surplus. 79. Because the current account deficit equals saving minus investment, these are logical places to look. 80. If they should decide to reduce the current account surplus, should they allow faster appreciation of the nominal exchange rate or overheating and faster inflation? 81. One explanation could be that the private capital outflow from Asia offsets the current account surplus. 82. If a country ran the occasional current account surplus or deficit, it would quickly be neutralised by a stronger or weaker currency. 83. The dynamic convergence rate of current account deficits determined by the gross rate of return on US assets, trade elasticity value for exchange rate depreciation, the US dollar exchange rate. 84. But, in practice, the demand for reserves has generated current account deficits in the issuing country. 85. In theory, exchange rate margin can be divided into current account margin, capital account margin, and comprehensive ratio. 86. Including deposits, withdrawals, convertible currency, to see the current account information and other operations. 87. The US current account deficit reached 6.2 per cent of gross national product in 2006. 88. Fears about the US current account deficit yesterday continued to weigh on the dollar. 89. Press button "1", to enter you current account balance, "2", current account details, "3", account information, "4", outstanding item details and"5", savings account details. 90. China is a creditor country with large current account surpluses, a small budget deficit, much lower public debt as a share of G.D.P. than the United States, and solid growth.