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current account造句
91. The section dealing with the exchange rate, bilateral current account balances and the overall current account balance is a monument to economic illiteracy. 92. The capital fled to some other places by means of current account and capital account, as well as covert capital loss. 93. Few Australian economists lose sleep over its current account any more. 94. The balance standing to a customer's credit on current account is repayable on demand and he has the right to draw cheques. 95. By creating an artificial capital account deficit, China is, as a matter of arithmetic necessity, creating an artificial current account surplus. 96. High interest rates and protectionism in potential export markets worsened the current account balance. 97. We see now that the current account balance is an element of sovereign creditworthiness. 98. With capital inflows (mainly in the form of FDI) policy controlled, the large current account surplus of China has meant a massive increase in the external assets of the state. 99. Need to do current account only, charge credit, debt of general ledger cash and bank piece went, do not do that is complexly . 100. While with the general current account there's no minimum balance. 101. In order to improve Chinese national welfare, the target of balance of payments adjustment should be that the current account balance approaches to the optimal balance. 102. Ireland is now running a current account surplus – so the foreign balance is not a drag on its economy and the government is able to finance its budget deficit domestically. 103. In the case of loans, the whole amount advanced is at once debited to the customer's loan account and credited to his current account. 104. The balance current account reflects the net flow of goods, services, and unilateral transactions among countries. 105. Do you want a current account or a deposit account? 106. Bill Gross, co-chief investment officer of Pimco, the world's biggest bond house, believes a weak dollar would help address the imbalance created by a huge U.S. current account deficit. 107. The most important way to expand one of the credit - the U.S. current account deficit has peaked. 108. A strong euro would nicely take care of Germany's persistent current account surplus. 109. The current account imbalance is the main source of balance of payments imbalance in China. 110. Therefore, the thesis analyzes the international short-term capital flows in terms of the current account. 111. A country's global current account deficit depends on the excess of its gross domestic investment over gross domestic savings. 112. The good news is the recent reversal of the steady climb in the current account deficit. 113. If this trend continues, the current account balance could soon move into deficit, the first since 1980 (chart). 114. Further, it a chronic current account deficit of a 6 per cent of GDP. 115. Another round of huge increases in excess capacity and current account surpluses seems inevitable. 116. The rating system will automatically change to the one for a general current account. 117. Those countries running current account deficits, most notably the U. S. , would have to define ways to boost savings. 118. China has already archived the free convertibility of the RMB under the current account, and the average tariff rate for industrial products is expected to drop to 10 percent by the year 2005. 119. Personally I do not feel it makes much sense for the U. S. to blame China for our current account deficit when our government budget deficit is as large as it is. 120. Please find the enclosed check of $ 876.87 as payment for our current account balance.