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151. A minimal subset of electrocardiogram leads is identified from which the voltage-time measurements can be calculated with acceptable error. 152. Telomerase is an attractive cancer target as it appears to be required in essentially all tumours for immortalization of a subset of cells, including cancer stem cells. 153. These results suggest that HBV is more T8 cell subset cytotropism and HBV intruding into immunological cell is an important reason of cellular dvsimmuno-function. 154. I also reviewed how to consume Web services, the JAX-RPC subset API, with a short code example included. 155. For a universal set, the set of all elements in the set that are not in a specified subset. 156. It looks like a reasonable assumption that it works because the read-only interfaces are purely a subset of the read-write interfaces. 157. Prepending a simple selector and combinator to a chain imposes additional matching constraints, so the subjects of a selector are always a subset of the elements matching the last simple selector. 158. I'm actually going to use a subset of the WordNet model here, containing only those nouns beneath "plant life" in the hyponym hierarchy. 159. The main distinction between "subset" and "uses" is that a "uses" relationship applies when a use case is a subcase that is also a standalone use case. 160. This paper provides a denotational semantics to a subset of Timed RAISE Specification Language (RSL) using Extended Duration Calculus (EDC) model. 161. With the aid of sticker model, the minimal set covering problem can be solved by transforming the subset to memory complex and utilizing the massive parallelism of sticking operations. 162. As an example, a natural language interface(NLI) having a limited subset of English to a specific expert system for database design (ERGTORS) is designed and implemented with TURBO PROLOG on IBM PC. 163. The method for detecting radar signal in Complicated clutters by using fuzzy subset theory is presented. 164. Objective: To compared the influence on lymphocyte subset among three type of transfusion acute normovolemic hemodilution, intraoperative blood salvage, allogenic transfusion. 165. Given an undirected graph with weights on the vertices, the maximum weight clique problem is to find a subset of mutually adjacent vertices(i. e. , a clique) having the largest total weight. 166. Finally, a new partial ordering in the subset of universal nonnegative definite matrices is defined and. 167. A subset of the letters, revealed for the first time, offer insight into the in-fighting behind the ground-breaking DNA research. 168. First, semi ring of fractions of a semi ring about a multiplicative closed subset in it is constructed. 169. We are also working on query support which will start with a subset of JP-QL and grow over time. 170. A subset of contributors have made their contributions available as public domain. 171. Even if the processor type is determined correctly,[http:///subset.html] the JIT might not have provisions for producing a subset of PPC instructions for a non-supported processor. 172. The data showed statistically significant improvement in the primary and all key secondary efficacy endpoints in both the 6 to 11 age group (primary subset) and the entire population. 173. Thus, the actor part of the credit bureau transaction is a subset of the system part of the second transaction of the loan submission system.