快好知 kuaihz

1) The walls had been whitewashed. 2) The walls were whitewashed and covered with bullfighting posters. 3) The report whitewashed the recent events. 4) The walls were whitewashed to reflect the glare of the sun. 5) The whitewashed walls were stained with mould. 6) The locker was whitewashed and smelled of carbolic acid. 7) The whole interior is in red brick, partly whitewashed. 8) Angry protesters whitewashed the offensive billboards. 9) A whitewashed loft with sanded floors and cast-iron pillars. 10) Overlooking the walls were two whitewashed stone bastions. 11) Somewhere in the whitewashed recesses of the building a secretary tapped in indecisive spurts on a manual typewriter. 12) Houses along the way had been freshly whitewashed, a sign that peasants were now earning enough to be concerned with appearances. 13) A whitewashed verandah contained bags of wheat and well-oiled harnesses. 14) It was a small plain whitewashed structure with a striped dome on top. 15) He beckoned Corbett to follow him along whitewashed corridors to the herb scented chamber of Brother Thomas. 16) Now, the windows were whitewashed over, and the signboards over them were weathered illegible. 17) Fields covered in snow would swallow up whitewashed farmhouses were it not for their black window frames. 18) Cruelty must be whitewashed by a moral excuse, and pretense of reluctance.George Bernard Shaw 19) The purpose of the place was a vaulted whitewashed building with a tall bell tower. 20) Remember how they whitewashed the pigsties before they'd let their men sleep there? 21) Then the odd whitewashed marshland cottage stands strangely palpable, as if it could be plucked from the scene and held for ever. 22) There was a row of whitewashed thatched cottages on the right. 23) The blue building stood out like a sore thumb among the whitewashed villas. 24) His portrait hung over the fireplace in every tenement room and whitewashed cabin. 25) The shadows from the candlelight darted back and forth across the shallow whitewashed dome. 26) Breathing deeply, fighting sudden fresh tears, she stared at the whitewashed walls of the tiny, tidy yard. 27) Shop houses and ancestral halls were jumbled side by side with whitewashed cottages and churches. 28) Just past one bad curve, a small shrine has been erected, La Virgen surrounded by three concrete crosses recently whitewashed. 29) The only hint of what goes on inside are the vultures that perch on its whitewashed outer walls. 30) On the far side of a tan cut cornfield a whitewashed stone house sends up smoke.