advances造句151. Producing qualified workers is a project that gets progressively more difficult as economic development advances.
152. The bathrooms were welcomed with delight, and standards of popular cleanliness made great advances.
153. When she declined his advances, he entrusted her to a matron of a sinful house.
154. Freedom to charge higher rents will reopen some doors but the court orders still necessary to remove tenants could block real advances.
155. The buy-out advances Nissan's supply chain restructuring and gives Vantec independence to pursue third party business aggressively.
156. They therefore had a monopoly on technological advances and the dynamics of capitalist production.
157. In recent years, however, the situation has been changing significantly, and psychologists have made important advances.
158. The essential design of a grand piano, apart from incremental technical advances, has not changed for more than a century.
159. Most of this century's scientific advances stemmed from intellectual curiosity, not a desire to patent.
160. There had been enormous economic advances, which had been possible only on a basis of mutual assistance.
161. Despite significant advances in family planning, the report said, birth control had become a matter of global survival.
162. Stockholm: Sharp gains in Volvo and Ericsson shares dominated a moderate session in which prices generally fell back from early advances.
163. Competition and complementarity between systems are being stressed, together with an assessment of likely technological advances.
164. Music when it advances into more subtle and profound regions, explores new emotions that will never be encompassed by words.
165. Materials Technology Division showed significant advances over last year which are particularly gratifying given the management attention focused on this business.
166. He hesitates, then advances with a degree of caution uncommon with him.
167. Technological advances will soon allow users to send colour pictures, music and even video clips instead of just plain text.
168. As such it must rank as one of the most fundamental scientific advances of the century.
169. Dr Martineau had written an article about advances in medicine over the last five years.
170. Those whose husbands were away went in constant dread of advances made to them by Allied soldiers in the area.
171. Slow advances in the police investigation came as the outpouring of condolences to Bill Cosby and his family continued.
172. Technological advances have taken much of the drudgery out of the assembly line and car plant.
173. The ever-increasing flow of scientific and technological advances is of little significance to a rural population living at or below subsistence level.
174. Advances in medical science may make it possible for people to live for 150 years.
175. In high spirits, his father was talking about the immense advances made in forensic science in recent years.
176. These advances, which have had an impact in both basic and applied research, are again spread widely among the disciplines.
177. Research processes vary between and within discipline; most really significant advances in knowledge come about through the application of several techniques.
178. Such advances are helping to chip away local employer prejudice against recruiting from the estate.
179. She had on several occasions fobbed off my clumsy advances with great ease and much friendliness.
180. And thanks to two recent advances, researchers had hopes of probing these tiny anomalies.