advances造句91. Being purely quantitative measures, they fail to illuminate qualitative advances.
92. She refused his advances and confounded a multitude of scholars assembled by him to overcome her scruples.
93. To some extent the advances made in our primary schools in the wake of the Plowden Report have been squandered.
94. Recent advances in remote sensing and computer based processing of digital imagery may overcome such problems.
95. In certain cases, a prior mortgagee may make further advances to the mortgagor which will rank in priority to subsequent mortgages.
96. Advances in medical science have eliminated the need for many patients to spend long periods of time in hospital.
97. In spite of this he was sexually very experienced and attractive to women and found it difficult to turn down their advances.
98. These fears were, strongest at a time when great advances in social security were coinciding with great economic progress.
99. For example, the computer industry and telecommunications are now converging as technology advances.
100. Those who were dubious or just cautious missed out on historic advances in financial asset values.
101. Properly used, it seems to me that quantitative methods can only lead to advances in our subject.
102. Far from portraying the scientists as all-knowing seers, Hafner and Lyon show how their biggest advances came through serendipity.
103. However, the current situation is likely to change over the next few years, as major advances in technology take place.
104. The Nationalists' military advances were everywhere marked by the slaughter of leftist militiamen and of known left-wing and Republican activists.
105. Even the washing machine and tumble drier have long been overtaken by advances in white goods technology.
106. Production becomes more important to the leader as his or her rating advances on the horizontal scale.
107. The paracelsian mercurials represented one of the small handful of important therapeutic advances made before the present century.
108. Lincoln was not an abolitionist, advocating instead that slavery be allowed no further advances.
109. Significant advances will be marked by the confirmation of bold conjectures or the falsification of cautious conjectures.
110. This examines the impact of deregulation and advances in technology on the operations of financial firms.
111. And advances in computer screens mean many can display as many as 64 million shades of color.
112. And they have tried to ensure that the reading level continually advances.
113. Nine people have been charged with conspiring to obtain mortgage advances by deception from various building societies.
114. Despite all the technological advances of science, it seemed survival still depended on the action of a man.
115. From the first, these universal histories represented both scientific advances and political and religious challenges.
116. In 1913, advances in smelting technology led to the closing of the furnace at the Rusk prison.
117. Banks also make other currency advances to traders, multinational corporations and sovereign governments.
118. Some of them were closely connected with those already in existence but they also sprang from advances in science and technology.
119. This unlikely concoction was one of the more important pharmacological advances in the history of medicine, albeit for the wrong reasons.
120. Its development has led to great advances in the miniaturisation of electronic components. 13.