periods造句61. Periods of punctuated equilibrium are periods of extended uncertainty.
62. I feel comfortable about my periods, not embarrassed.
63. Of these periods, the Renaissance is the finest example.
64. These periods contained approximately equal numbers of cases.
65. Sensitive counselling at critical periods can help greatly too.
66. When the ground is frozen, walking on it for extended periods of time can cause frostbite.
67. They come into existence after relatively brief periods of rapid change in a small sub-population of a pre-existing species.
68. There are, of course, many who are disqualified for shorter or longer periods depending on their employer's method of paying them.
69. The researchers sought to determine if rest periods would reduce worker fatigue and therefore contribute to increased output across the day.
70. To lead people through periods of fundamental behavior change takes even greater courage.
71. Opinions vary as to how long antibiotic treatment should last, and periods differ between four and twenty-one days.
72. These mains spikes sometime consist of surges of thousands of volts, albeit for very brief periods.
73. Levels of uncertainty escalate enormously in periods of punctuated equilibrium.
74. Long periods of enforced coexistence may include concessions or agreements and important, often fruitful, cultural exchange.
75. A child may, for instance, be born with serious handicaps or developmental problems requiring extended periods of care.
76. Extensive field research can mean long periods living under adverse conditions to which the researcher is unaccustomed.
77. These masterly cantatas date from different periods in Bach's life.
78. This daub could have come from one of three distinct periods.
79. The intention is that over extended periods of time equivalent machines receive an equivalent amount of resource.
80. The pattern is one of random steps, which by the laws of statistics tend to cancel out over longer periods.
81. It may be advisable to consult with others regarding realistic periods of time for the completion of certain tasks.
82. Moreover, funding organizations may be less inclined to support projects that envision long periods of field research.
83. First, the questions asked in the surveys related to behaviour over different time periods.
84. In both periods, the decision making of governments and enterprises was greatly complicated by the changes in the financial structure.
85. During such periods, the majority of people develop protective antibodies against the organism.
86. Group norms Work groups differ from free-forming groups outside employment in that they evolve over long periods of time.
87. The basic plan provides for two classroom periods to be spent on each episode.
88. Many of their colleagues are off work sick for long periods being treated for nervous disorders.
89. There were no longer seasonal periods of slack and recovery to offset the periods of feverish activity.
90. By careful drafting the drafter can avoid many of the problems associated with references to periods of time.