快好知 kuaihz

1. Looking at Mungo with mild amusement, Stanley nodded. 2. Mungo felt elated, smiling back. 3. Mungo stood panting over the body, unable to comprehend. 4. Dropping the wing, Mungo swung round, losing his balance. 5. Mungo thought she must be having a fit. 6. Suddenly Mungo felt dread in his stomach like indigestion. 7. Mungo decided to play his ace. 8. Mungo was puzzled by the place. 9. Before getting off the bed, Mungo scanned the books to see what reading matter Vic preferred. 10. Mungo reflected that he had never seen Emily so happy. 11. Mungo imagined them shattering, burying the floor in a tidal wave of crystal. 12. Before leaving the chamber, Mungo turned back to take in the scene; to fix it in his mind. 13. Unsettled by the riddle, Mungo finally decided that Jos had probably shut him up just to get some peace. 14. Still speculating, Mungo headed along the landing to the bathroom. 15. Mungo breathed in the rich animal smell as they followed Mr Zamoyski through to the back room. 16. Mungo wanted to put an arm round her shoulder, but knew he would embarrass her. 17. He was an original, Mungo decided; one of the few he had ever met. 18. Mungo closed his eyes, summoning back the image he had tried to capture in the barrow. 19. As he approached them, Mungo could see that they wore blue uniform trousers under their working clothes. 20. Mungo watched him pile up the treble twenties, thinking of the small boy adopted by the woodcutter. 21. Heavy-eyed, Mungo had fallen asleep and into a thicket of dreams. 22. Above all why had he, Mungo, ignored the warning and involved himself? 23. Freewheeling down the long hill, Mungo was aware of a large, pale shape by his right shoulder. 24. Alone and imprisoned, Mungo lost the battle with his imagination. 25. Now, alone in Vic's private world, Mungo at last felt like an intruder. 26. The bulk of the mound towered over Mungo, intimidating him. 27. Mungo craned forward, turning the side of his face to the rain. 28. Curling his toes in a vain attempt to frustrate the inhospitable lino, Mungo watched, fascinated. 29. In spite of the fact that he was stationary, Mungo felt breathless. 30. As he crossed the stile into the first field, Mungo felt a pang of shame at telling Alice a lie.