fatten造句1. You must fatten them into obedience.
2. These projects simply serve to fatten the pockets of developers.
3. The creature continued to grow and fatten.
4. I'll never fatten my students into playing truant.
5. Can you fatten your article out a little?
6. My parents are always trying to fatten me up.
7. You're too skinny — we'll have to fatten you up.
8. She's very thin after her illness-but we'll soon fatten her up.
9. The new feed can fatten the chicken up quickly enough for market.
10. The Government is making the taxpayer pay to fatten up a public sector business for private sale.
11. So we're sending her home to fatten up.
12. Will eating carbohydrates fatten you up or trigger diabetes?
13. Increased profits will fatten the bonuses of the managers.
14. We raise calves for sale to feedlots, which fatten them up to market weight.
15. I have shewn middle class respectability... fattening on the poverty of the slum as flies fatten on filth.
16. Mothers usually fatten their children up with milk.
17. We keep animals in pens to fatten them.
18. Giving pigs fine feed can fatten them up.
19. Fatten up your pigs so they're worth more money...
20. MSG is a chemical used to fatten up laboratory animals and evidence suggests it will ultimately make you fat when consumed.
21. Adjusting that tax could fatten profit margins without the need to raise fuel prices on consumers.
22. Don't lazily think to fatten yourself with the dangers and pains of other people.
23. They could eat and have their fill , fatten and feast themselves on your immense good gifts.
24. She attempts to fatten her children up with potatoes, spaghetti, and creamed dishes.
25. Its general conformation showed a dairy-type leanness, but individuals could fatten well.
26. After a while they brought their bowls out of the cupboard and the green leaves grew taller and flower buds began to fatten.
27. Hard-up families are buying them at £3.60 each to fatten up at home.
28. The dairy-type conformation does not lend itself readily to beef production and though steers will fatten they grow rather slowly.
29. Many of the fodder crops are sold to the hill farmers and some are used to fatten the lambs.
30. Thus many farmers have young store cattle which they either sell at market or fatten on fodder crops on their own farms.