fatten造句31. A hungry wolf's attempts to fatten a chicken for his stewpot have unexpected results.
32. Birds will fatten themselves with heavy feeding in advance of a long migrational flight.
33. It requires a great deal more grain to fatten animals then to feed people directly.
34. The farmer tried to fatten the lean cattle for market.
35. The research team decided to do an experiment. They tried to fatten up some of the subordinate gobies to see what happened.
36. The vast majority of walruses in the Chukchi each summer are females who fatten up on clams that populate the seafloor.
37. How do we fatten our portfolios and stay financially healthy?
38. Last week we told how Posh, 35, had been told to fatten up by doctors to boost her pregnancy chances.
39. Bottom line: Ctrip's move into the restaurant space is a smart one, and could easily fatten up its top and bottom lines in the next few years.
40. War in Asia will just fatten up the Americans anyway, it will be a good opportunity for them to pull themselves out of the recession.
41. Ann's looking awful thin. Let's give her some food and fatten her up.
42. Some people deny themselves the necessaries or comforts of life in order that they may be able to help to fatten a publican .
43. His proposal, in effect, is to fatten up these undernourished children and feed them to Ireland's rich land-owners.
44. Did you know that margarine is inferior butter which was originally used to fatten up animals for slaughter?
45. To eat more bananas will not be able to lose weight but most fatten up.
46. Outdoor barbecue ready to eat food and spices which are less likely to fatten up ah?
46. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday!
47. Watch out when you are getting all you want; fatten hog ai not in luck.
48. The child is underweight. I'm trying to fatten him up as fast as I can.
49. In the summer it is harder to catch seals, so before summer arrives, the bears eat as much as they can to fatten up, then live off the fat in their bodies.
50. Your article seems rather thin in places; can you fatten it out a little?
51. MSG is a chemical used to fatten up laboratory animals and will ultimately make you fat when consumed.
52. He's trying to fatten Dan up so they can hibernate together.
53. Each year Alaskans fatten their wallets with a dividend check from an oil fund.
54. Half a million sandhill cranes pause on the Platte River in Nebraska to fatten up on corn waste, worms, and other food in nearby fields.
55. Now, I'm in contradiction, we kept up raising organic native chickens, I don't know whether I can make it to sale the chicken only use pigwash to fatten them. Now I am still hesitating about that.