the likes of造句1. She didn't want to associate with the likes of me.
2. I will not have the likes of you dragging down my reputation.
3. I don't want you spending time with the likes of him.
4. We are dealing with an epidemic the likes of which we have never seen in this century.
5. Information is collected through the likes of the FBI, CIA, and Scotland Yard.
6. He regularly rubbed shoulders with the likes of Elizabeth Taylor and Kylie Minogue.
7. She wanted a rest from the likes of Amy.
8. But this is not enough for the likes of Coventry, who are prominent among the complainers.
9. This country is in enough trouble without the likes of you, and Tariq Ali etc, stirring it up.
10. One could hear the cries of outrage from the likes of Mrs Whitehouse and Mrs Thatcher.
11. My relatively modest system certainly has never seen the likes of the Tube Terminators.
12. But then they were not written with the likes of me in mind.
13. He collaborated with the likes of Jasper Johns and Larry Rivers, scribbling poems to match / mismatch their images.
14. A mass exodus was under way, the likes of which the world had never seen.
15. And it was on this point that the likes of Mr Graham and I had some of our most interesting debates.
16. In her wake came the likes of Chrissie Hynde, who found it easier just to wear the trousers.
16.try its best to collect and create good sentences.
17. He's a bit of a snob won't speak to the likes of me.
18. First-class travel is for posh people - it's not for the likes of us.
19. He would also fight tooth and nail to keep her from the likes of Tommy Allen.
20. Wouldn't it seem strange that Henry Skipton should be wasting his time on the likes of her?
21. And unlike the Democrats' proposals, its message rang home loud and clear with the likes of Jigeehuu and Gankhuag.
22. I paid good money for this vehicle and I won't have the likes of you doing what you're doing!
23. This would explain the rapid rise to maturity of the likes of Marshall, Patterson and Ambrose.
24. Why the hell they can't spend their energy pursuing the likes of is beyond me.
25. You are wearing a cloak such as was worn every day by the likes of your mama, your grandmama and yourself.
26. It should go on sale at around £7,000 to challenge the likes of the Renault Clio.
27. But his ideology was unconfined by party lines, occasionally finding him allied with the likes of Sen.
28. He can not hope to match the advances which the likes of Waite, McCarthy and Terry Anderson could command.
29. And it was not all deep depression yesterday, with the likes of Boots and Morgan Grenfell in fine form.
30. The company has introduced new prices which it says are necessary to survive competition with the likes of Vebacom and Mannesmann.