快好知 kuaihz

121. The first organizations of consequence in the West were governmental, religious, and military institutions. 122. Through analyzing the rules and legal nature of the charge, the essay asserts that in some sense it belongs to a kind of eclectic method, similar to the governmental compulsory charge. 123. Because of the weightiness and particularity of governmental information, the progress of the national and social informatization is determined by the standard of government informatization . 124. It is a kind of cultural lag and lack of spirit of innovation, and also the governmental misleading and serious self-reform lag. 125. This governmental special fund, with a primary allocation of 1 billion RMB, is officially launched today. 126. As the cameras rolled and crowds gathered to stare at the fair-haired American with the local governmental leader, the villagers quietly whispered and joked among themselves. 127. In other words, malversation has become a mode of behavior to maximize individual benefit, profitable, with more chances and low risks, and widely adopted by governmental officials. 128. In many places governmental agencies leave the authority to children symbolically for the day. 129. Before the reforming and opening,[http:///governmental.html] Chinese were equalitarian . Governmental employers took care of the whole life of their staff—from cradle to tomb. 130. The economic impact between the area below traditional system is - and - aft economic connection through governmental intermediary expression. 131. This efficiency of price control over economy , as well as the legality of governmental control activities. 132. For them to prosper, they need an open business environment free of bureaucracy and too many governmental regulations. 133. And at that time the grain trade took different forms such as local trade, governmental trade, army trade, long distance trade etc, and each form contributed a lot to the growth of Shanxi business. 134. Most environmental litigation involves disputes with governmental agencies, rather than disputes between private parties. 135. These approaches combination of support from the EC, the corporate sector and the governmental agencies. 136. Scientific technology has become the key factor that influences social development, the same is true that scientific technology has omnibearing influence upon governmental diplomatic abilities. 137. Processing also wants to rectify governmental oneself while processing consolidates market order. 138. As a new developing theory, governmental theory serves to re-explore management patterns of public affairs in society. 139. Unconstrained culture may distort economy and thus needs governmental regulation. 140. Non - Governmental Organization ( NGO ) is a very complicated international atmosphere. 141. If parties are engaged in terroristic activities in a virtual world, it may bring them to the attention of a governmental agency. 142. ICC is a nongovernmental organization a counterpart to the governmental World Trade Organization(WTO) in the international economic relations and trade realm. 143. Through induction the dynamical model of regional development mode innovation is given. It is motivated by the four forces including natural, historical, residential and governmental factors. 144. While only one candidate stands in each constituency, analysts watch the elections closely for clues to political shifts, as members of parliament hold key governmental and military roles. 145. Discussed a system to choose the governmental action model in the process. 146. The article puts forward to improve the corresponding proposal of governmental response mode finally. 147. So governments should usually not get involved in such issues, except when its intervention has enough benefits to compensate for governmental inefficiency and ineffectiveness. 148. "Person" means any natural person, company, firm, body corporate of unincorporated association or body, including any Government or governmental or statutory instrumentality or port authority. 149. Therefore, the local government is expected to take order with the reinforcement, weakening and change of governmental function, boost regional economic growth and offer quality public service. 150. A nation's money supply is based on either the production of a commodity or governmental fiat.