madagascar造句31. Other countries, such as Madagascar, have imposed direct price controls.
32. To enhance the deep - going and all - round communication and cooperation between China and Madagascar.
33. Madagascar is a 2005 soundtrack the 2005 film of the name.
34. In the last few years we have seen several African countries report reductions in child mortality of 25–30%, for example Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique and the United Republic of Tanzania.
35. Our first stop: Andasibe-Mantadia National Park, one of Madagascar’s most popular, and only a three-hour drive from Antananarivo.
36. They come from the island of Madagascar off the coast of Africa and are the smallest of the lovebird species.
37. Family life thrived in daylight and Charlotte Uhlenbroek is in Madagascar looking at ruffed lemur families.
38. However, when we approach to be examined carefully, discovering however is the monkey bread tree with a peculiar Madagascar only.
39. A officer in Madagascar inspected a furniture warehouse looted during political unrest in the capital, Antananarivo.
40. Recent finds of Apatite in Madagascar have added to the popularity of this gem. Exhibiting excellent saturation, Madagascan Apatite's colors range from neon green to neon blue.
41. Around the size of a domestic cat, it creeps around the rainforests of Madagascar, drumming its fingers on tree trunks - up to 40 times a minute - listening for subtle variations in pitch.
42. Madagascar ring-tailed lemur, here gnawing a non-native cactus, ably carries pollen for native plants on its muzzle and hands.
43. It remains a place of worship to which pilgrims come from Madagascar and elsewhere.
44. The list includes 25 cities worldwide. Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, tops the list, followed by Bangladesh capital Dhaka and Madagascar capital Antananarivo.
45. The angel that Pierre had married in Madagascar had become a termagant, blinded by jealousy.
46. Madagascar—Sunrise reveals light traffic—a lone oxcart—along the Avenue of the Baobabs.
47. A new and rare species of "giant" orb web spider has been discovered in Africa and Madagascar.
48. Nevertheless, six African countries, Burkina Faso, Eritrea, Madagascar, Malawi, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania[/madagascar.html], have shown that it is possible to reverse the trend.
49. Elephant bird was also called Aepyornis , and mainly lived in the forest of the world's fourth largest island —the island of Madagascar in Africa.
50. "In a way this area is very representative of the whole island of Madagascar, " says herpetologist Hery Rakotondravony.
51. The leader of Madagascar, Andry Rajoelina, has appointed an army officer as his new prime minister.
52. Euphorbia moratii is a species of plant in the Euphorbiaceae family. It is endemic to Madagascar.
53. The Aye-Aye is a native of eastern Madagascar. It is the only mammal known to use echolocation.
54. I should head for Africa, in fokelore is searched in the selva of the Madagascar " maneating tree " .
55. The Madagascar is located in African southeast ministry, separating a sound with African mainland, it is to bestrew bramble everywhere over there, cannot the bush of exceed.
56. Like so many other mammals, insects, trees, plants and reptiles (I'm talking fire-engine red tomato frogs and geckos shaped like leaves), the Indri indri is unique to Madagascar.
57. There does not seem to Madagascar, Mauritius, Comoros, Seychelles, Cape Verde, these are island nations.
58. Antananarivo in Madagascar (217) is at the bottom of the list with an eco-city score of 39.7, while Baghdad is at 214, scoring 40.5.
59. WYSS have collaborated for nearly 20 years. Their expeditions have taken them to the Rocky Mountains, Baja California, the Andes of Chile, and Madagascar.
60. The Bank is making $100 million available in Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Madagascar, Mali, and Niger through additional financing and restructuring of existing operations.