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date back造句
1. Her problems date back to her childhood. 2. The community's links with Syria date back to biblical times. 3. On the Avon, some of the weirs date back 1,000 years and are in urgent need of restoration. 4. They've found twelve skeletons, some of which date back almost two thousand years. 5. Except for the new diesel engines, the trains date back to 1954. 6. Laws on the marketing of investment funds date back to the mid-1980s and to a defunct regulator known as Lautro. 7. And the early signs of that being altered date back to the tough public spending rounds of the early 1980s. 8. Dogs can date back to the Stone Age. 9. Official snowfall records for Washington date back to 1884. 10. Hungarian regulations concerning industrial designs date back to 1907. 11. What time can the marathon date back to? 12. Let me date back to 1997. 13. Oxford and Cambridge date back to the thirteenth century. 14. The progenitor of this class of problems may date back to pre - Greek times. 15. The history of humanity may date back to the Ice Age. 16. Patents date back to Venice in the 15th century, but Communist China did not allow them until 1985. 17. the Dead Sea Scrolls.] And some of them date back to the fourth and third century .So do you understand now why everybody was so excited? 18. The history of self-knowledge date back to over 2000 years. 19. The oldest parts of the castle date back to 1560, and were built by King Frederick II, after whom the palace is named. 20. The history of hockey can date back to thousands ago. 21. The study of modality may date back to Aristotle, who focused his attention on modal logic. 22. Scientific wagers date back to Greece in the 5th or 6th century BC and were often a rhetorical device for thinking about a subject. 23. But not only does the framing of the existing social services date back twenty years already. 24. Analysis is complicated by large and small scale cultural features which can date back several thousand years, even in remote areas. 25. Underground Works: Take an audio guided tour of these fascinating tunnels and works that date back to 1216. 26. But the records of this branch of scientific endeavour date back 7000 years. 27. Some varieties of waterlilies are fairly new to cultivation whereas the majority of well known cultivars date back years. 27. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 28. TheOfficial snow ball recedes were snowfall records for Washington big bad date back to 1884 by. 29. Some claim that sightings of the Loch Ness creature date back to 565, when a story about St. Columba relates that he commanded a "ferocious monster" to stop attacking a man along the Ness river. 30. We often get wrapped up in Silicon Valley with the "new-new" way that we can forget many times we're simply rediscovering well-worn lessons that date back to the beginnings of commerce.