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(61) The applicability of microwave irradiation to assist the extraction of essential oil from Cyperus rotundus L. (62) The paper introduces The Dynamic Capability Theory of business enterprise briefly and inquires into the applicability and focalization of this theory. (63) And the applicability of Mahalanobis distance discrimination analysis and topology pattern recognition for reconstructed milk identification was discussed. (64) Computation sample shows that the search method in this paper has good performance. It can solve cyclic scheduling problem for large scale robotic cells and has broad applicability. (65) Objective To evaluate the applicability of a water-cooled shaft-free microwave therapeutic instrument in percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy(PMCT)of liver cancer. (66) A numerical example is presented to analyze the applicability, computational accuracy and efficiency. (67) Its simplicity, high yield, and wide applicability procedure for protein purification and proteome exploration. (68) The preliminary analysis on the operating expense and applicability of the system indicated that the system is quite economical and applicable. (69) Applicability of guided mode resonant structures to tunable optical filtering and sensing is demonstrated using nematic liquid crystals. (70) Methods: The applicability of linear scanning for multiwire proportional chamber direct digital Xray radiography were analysed. (71) Simulation result proves that this system has good follow and anti-interference performance, thus this hybrid control method has a certain applicability. (72) The method is simple and easy to grasp. It has wide applicability. (73) Finally, a numerical example shows the applicability of the FCM clustering algorithm. (74) They feature flexible opening, fine sealing, wide applicability and corrosion, etc. (75) Impacts on wages and jobs? Impacts on traffic accident insurance and compensations? Applicability of law regime? (76) It differentiated to the limited liability company and the company limited by shares on its applicability, structure of property rights and corporate governance. (77) Objective:To study the mechanism and applicability of treating deep overbite with straight wire appliance combined with bite plate. (78) The key of correct and rational applicability of contract legal right of cancellation is to accurate grasp the fact of fundamental extent of breach of contract. (79) Objective To explore the applicability of the histological features of plexiform bone and osteon banding to species identification. (80) This conclusion showed that the method has applicability compared with customs statistics. (81) It has no applicability to ENS or RSMS sub classes. (82) Simulation results indicate that the optical orthogonal code block constructed by this method has fairly large code capacity and good relativity, and has a certain practical applicability. (83) This literature review introduces recently Proposed and developed monitor or correction system abroad. Special emphasis has been put on the applicability in large quantity production. (84) The properties and applicability of SF - 135 tomato modified starch are bri - efed in the paper. (85) The author also emphasizes the lease management's lack of general applicability andexpecially its unfeasibility in big enterprises. (86) Token Bus and hybrid CSMA/Token protocols are exemplified to illustrate the universal applicability of the proposed model. (87) Therefore, the practice of civil liability ascertainment is of greater applicability. (88) The applicability of the Helmholtz resonator model in the study of the PER walls' pressure equalization was analyzed. (89) However, functional transformation has a much wider applicability than use with LINQ. (90) Objective To study the applicability and side effects of Propofol combined with low dose Midazolam in patients undergoing enteroscope.