快好知 kuaihz

follow up造句
1. You start the work, and I'll follow up. 2. The police will follow up all possible leads. 3. You should follow up your letter with a phone call. 4. They follow up their March show with four UK dates next month. 5. I think we should follow up his suggestions;it sounds reasonable. 6. You should follow up your phone call with an e-mail or a letter. 7. He decided to follow up on his initial research and write a book. 8. Many patients need continuing care, follow up or rehabilitation. 9. Data from both baseline and follow up specimens are shown separately for the two subgroups. 10. Extended follow up is required, to assess the longterm effects, particularly the stricture recurrence rate after final stent removal. 11. No one asked me about follow up phone calls made to me by their offices, standard procedures for campaigns. 12. Later it wants to follow up with the heavy stuff: tanks, helicopters, anti-tank weapons and armored personnel carriers. 13. She had no relapse during 18 months' follow up, and results of lung function tests were normal. 14. But seldom do these companies follow up on the true costs of counterproductive policies and decisions. 15. Information for the follow up study was collected by means of personal interviews, death certificates, and records from hospitals and nursing homes. 16. The timing of all subsequent follow up appointments and endoscopies in the healing phase was discretionary. 17. You can start a new thread, follow up an existing one, and/or respond privately by email. 18. The police admit that the thieves have left no trail for them to follow up. 19. The researchers will read and analyse the written material and will follow up some responses with face-to-face interviews. 20. Analyses comparing rates of non-smoking among study groups at each follow up were repeated for non-smokers at baseline rather than never smokers. 21. Seven lawyers are working full-time in his office to follow up the allegations made by Perez. 22. They had two primary questions: what to delegate to whom and when to follow up or intervene. 23. A team of two full-time staff is being employed to follow up leads. 24. A* algorithms make a decision at point B about which path to follow up. 25. Fill gaps, identify queries and note points for immediate follow up. 26. Subjects - 6528 male and female patients providing 54355 years of follow up. 27. Unfortunately many clinicians use this approach in an incorrect manner and do not follow up at regular intervals. 28. None of the children who did not recover were receiving medical care for symptoms of constipation at the time of follow up. 29. Overall severity of gastrointestinal symptoms influenced the final height centile as it had height velocity during the initial years of follow up. 30. No other cause for anaemia was found in these patients and neither symptoms nor anaemia recurred during the follow up period.