快好知 kuaihz

121. Upon reaching the destination node the VLAN ID is removed from the packet by the adjacent switch and forwarded to the attached device. 122. The method of linear weighted sum id proposed to solve multi-objective optimization of process tolerances so as to bring into full play the subjective initiative of technologists for process planning. 123. Verify Version ID Consistency...Performs a consistency check on the database replication version numbers. 124. The koseki is your ID, from cradle to grave, based on the family unit. 125. When developing P & ID aided design system, the logical topology information between entities needed to be represented. 126. It is also important that any channel not intended to support administration of the queue manager have a low-privileged user ID in the MCAUSER attribute. 127. Did you get an ID on the dead body in the trunk? 128. The rush of strength and expansiveness that comes from declaring this honestly is the an t id ot e to paralysis and the beginning of many wonderful adventures. 129. Bad Mark Block: A bad sector mark was found in the ID field of the sector or an Interface CRC error occurred. 130. I wish all the Muslim brothers and sisters a happy Id al-Adha! 131. The parameter ID is the parameter name as displayed in the task editor and supported by the XSLT template corresponding to the selected verb. 132. Unlike the IMPORT statement that is using the namespace as the ID of the schema file, the INCLUDE statement uses the location of the file that relies on a physical location. 133. You'll create the ID field as an autoincrement primary key. 134. To add the results to the database, you need to get a unique ID for the survey that was completed, which you'll use autoincrement within the survey_results table. 135. It is a four-digit number printed on the label which will be attached to the back of your ID during the check in procedure, on the day of the test. 136. For his Caller ID, off - white plastic, don't you tap the line! 137. Travelers are advised to refund the tickets with the original ID proofs consistent to the ticket in the train station or railway ticket agency. 138. Here we use the function taxonomy_select_nodes() to get all the nodes (which will only be announcements in our case) classified by the term ID, $tid. 139. The id of the annotations shows the internal ID of the matched dictionary entry. 140. Combining the isotopic dilution (ID) method with the on-line fractionation correction method, the rhenium content can be determined accurately at sub-nanogram level using the normal solution n. 141. For each database, we need to have an entry in the password file with the id and password for accessing that database. 142. If the user name already exists, the DB2 Setup wizard appends a number from 1-99 to the default user name, until a user ID that does not already exist can be created. 143. The MIT 1000 System has numerous ID applications including food quality control, clinical diagnostics, pharmaceutical quality assurance, semiconductor processing control and water quality monitoring. 144. This security ID may not be assigned as the primary group of an object. 145. Each data cell has an ID so that the table's content can be updated with JavaScript. 146. For example, the following command creates the database "spaindb" with code set 1252 and territory ID 34 which determine the code pages for Spanish on the Windows platform. 147. If the ID is not certified before deadline, social security management system will automatically suspend the pension. 148. The component parses the ID and checks for a specific mode value to signify whether the document should be opened in edit mode. 149. Not only does the problem appear as an event ID that doesn't show up on many Internet searches, but the event details point to the wrong source of the problem. 150. Id like 2 express my extreme point - of - view.