快好知 kuaihz

61 By the marriage cohorts of 1870 a decline in national marital fertility became apparent, unrelated to any major retreat from marriage. 62 In other words, can semantically related word pairs be differentiated from semantically unrelated word pairs by a computer? 63 Parasitic infections were high regardless of family size and appeared unrelated to birth order. 64 Maconochie was a pioneer in unrelated disciplines but it was as a penal reformer that he was most influential. 65 Officials insist the case is unrelated to the explosion in homicide rates among teenagers. 66 In the first, nervous disorders are just an additional cause of absenteeism, but are unrelated to the type of job. 67 The old woman smearing disinfectant between her legs was unrelated to anything he had known with Isabelle. 68 Eberling was convicted in 1989 of the unrelated murder of a wealthy widow and is currently serving a prison term in Ohio. 69 Slightly larger objects, however different and unrelated, should be grouped so that they have something in common like colour or national origin. 70 The samples were taken from people who had died of causes unrelated to drinking. 71 Did that commingling of unrelated flavours remind me of another dish, or had it produced a breakthrough in gastronomy? 72 And it is helped immeasurably if two unrelated people can share in the belief that indeed they are already blood relatives. 73 The change also affects medical offices that perform abortions in addition to unrelated services. 74 Some relate this to the security of a university appointment, with career steps usually totally unrelated to research achievement. 75 Other event-producing situations are unrelated to an individual's approach to life or personality characteristics. 76 The sub-licensees paid a fixed fee, unrelated to their profits, to the taxpayer in Hong Kong. 77 Oddly enough, conservative extremists shared his views, largely for unrelated internal political motives. 78 They do not share our sense of causality, and so tend to view events as discrete and unrelated. 79 It is inconceivable that this same scenario could have played itself out as it did with a group of unrelated individuals. 80 The technique is really one of creating harmony in two separate and unrelated layers. 81 To what extent this promotes economic power would be hard to estimate, but the two are certainly not unrelated. 82 Blue-eyed cats are deaf because those at first sight unrelated characters share an embryonic pathway. 83 The signalling properties of the polarizing region are now known to be quite unrelated to cell death which is a separate process. 84 The book is dominated by three tremendous figures: Mahatma Gandhi, part saint, part humbug, and unrelated to Indira. 85 The bar was sued earlier this year for lobbying the Legislature on issues unrelated to the legal profession. 86 And leave out unrelated work experience. 87 The enlarged cisterna magna is an unrelated finding. 88 The spice Black pepper comes from an unrelated plant. 89 Scratches and abrasions are antemortem, unrelated to the accident. 90 Why are you analysing chatter unrelated to the gas?