快好知 kuaihz

31 Genes from wholly unrelated species are being swapped and recombined, creating new entities that would never have evolved on their own. 32 Research and learning, then, are conceptually unrelated, whereas higher education and learning are conceptually interwoven. 33 Ben, following a few paces behind, gave a small laugh, but it was unrelated to his father's comment. 34 This task is actually easier outside the old hierarchical corporate structure, where information was compartmentalized and unrelated contexts kept strictly separate. 35 The Board of Inland Revenue has many problems wholly unrelated to tax law. 36 In fact, many of the non-anti-social symptoms in childhood seemed completely unrelated to adult psychiatric status. 37 These 2500 season seats will offer those possessing them the option to hold the same seat for unrelated events. 38 He died at the age of 69 of an unrelated squamous cell carcinoma of the bronchus. 39 In the first stable, off the bay, was an astonishing display of unrelated bric-a-brac. 40 Any of the methods discussed will easily separate the structurally unrelated compounds nicotine and amphetamine from theophylline. 405. 41 Fortunately another quite unrelated series of compounds was found to alleviate depression. 42 This figure, of course, is much higher than one expects for two unrelated spoken languages. 43 Deflection eye-spots are found in a wide variety of quite unrelated species. 44 During this time 15 of 46 patients died of causes unrelated to the gastro-oesophageal disease. 45 One other and not unrelated feature of these Edwardian synods deserves note. 46 Changes to any part of the system may make it necessary to change other seemingly unrelated components. 47 Faecal bile acid loss in cystic fibrosis is unrelated to the presence of intraluminal fat or intestinal bacterial overgrowth. 48 I had another reason as well, though quite unrelated to painting. 49 Ten patients had died all unrelated to the iron deficiency anaemia. 50 But in many cases the castle is quite unrelated to other castles. 51 Utility officials said the blackout was unrelated to small power failures in San Francisco neighborhoods Monday and Tuesday. 52 What Lednor and Versloot have done is to unify these unrelated chemical curiosities by suggesting one underlying mechanism. 53 For both of them the landscape in which they now stood was quite unrelated to any of this. 54 There was no clear policy on this matter,[http:///unrelated.html] only a series of apparently unrelated initiatives. 55 But in austere, plain-Jane face it seems unrelated to the next-door cousin that flies high in lacy, frilly stonework. 56 General exploration provides the background that enables us to link up otherwise unrelated items. 57 Despite the economic problems and some unrelated political problems of the 1960s, the country remained a relatively prosperous one. 58 The nature of an object can not be established through a means of knowledge totally unrelated to it. 59 The change affected clinics that primarily perform abortions as well as family doctors who may do the procedure along with unrelated services. 60 A birthday is a movable feast as the round of years is wholly unrelated to the seasons.