read out造句31. Before the meeting started its work, the minutes of the last meeting were read out.
32. When the decision was read out Mrs Gardner thanked the judges.
33. To give you a flavour of what the book is like Jilly is going to read out a brief extract.
34. She listened stoically as the guilty verdict was read out.
35. When the verdict was read out, all the colour drained from Zelda's cheeks.
36. This new computer will read out the results of the calculation in 0.001 second.
37. He held his breath while the results were read out.
38. Tendency to read out OHP captions.
39. A grim-faced diplomat read out the declaration of war.
40. They'd been read out in court.
41. On the last day, a formal protest was read out; among the signers was Isaac Winslow.
42. An Illustration: NETtalk NETtaik4 is a program that teaches itself to read out loud.
43. Use option 1.3.2 - Read/Enter Individual Modules to read out the modules which are available.
44. Shipman stared straight ahead as the foreman of the jury read out the verdict tothe packed courtroom.
45. MODULES/ - is an input parameter specifying the modules in the package which are to be read out.
46. A frequent fault is to read out passages from textbooks as though they represented the last word on the law.
47. Over and over again he would read out my favourite stories, sometimes with deliberate mistakes for me to correct.
48. Adrian Garvey and Mark Andrews seemed particularly pleased to have their names read out.
49. The magistrate sat there, stern and erect, as the charge was read out.
50. Even in a stream of traffic the laser beam can isolate the offending vehicles with an accurate read out of speed and range.
51. Suddenly something she had heard her daddy read out from a newspaper flashed back to her.
52. He read out a selection of howlers from students' exam answers.
53. It wasn't read out in court, but it lead the Coroner to record a verdict of suicide.
54. When the names and numbers were read out it was a long while before we heard the name of Deerhurst.
55. They are more like a succession of monologues read out before a dismally empty assembly.
56. She stifled a yawn as the boss read out the sales figures.
57. Shortly afterwards Villepin called Jospin's chief adviser, Olivier Schrameck, to read out the full text to him.
58. In the evening, the names of those who had been picked from the line-up were read out over the camp tannoy.
59. He left a note explaining his action and it was read out at the inquest.
60. With an official manner, a man loudly read out her crime for the crowd to hear.