快好知 kuaihz

1. Rats leave (or desert or forsake) a sinking ship. 2. They braved the storm to reach the sinking ship. 3. The lifeboat rescued the sailors from the sinking boat. 4. The country is sinking/plunging into an abyss of violence and lawlessness. 5. Warrior stroke Jingtao hack flow without sinking, coward in be in smooth water will drown. 6. The sun was now sinking, a fiery ball of light in the west. 7. The ship is sinking. 8. They bailed out desperately, to stop the boat sinking. 9. Fergus was in waist-deep and sinking fast. 10. Send out a distress signal; the ship is sinking. 11. He shouted to me that the boat was sinking. 12. The boat's sinking! Start bailing quickly! 13. He is clearly sinking fast . 14. The sun is sinking in the west. 15. The sun was sinking in the west. 16. She watched him go with a sinking heart. 17. John kept sinking more deeply into the mud. 18. Stocks and shares are sinking. 19. The sinking ship sent out a distress call. 20. The sun was sinking rapidly below the western horizon. 21. The industry is sinking into slump. 22. The sun was sinking behind the coconut palms. 23. Far off to the west the sun was sinking. 24. The boaters bailed water out from their sinking boat. 25. They radioed for help when the ship was sinking. 26. Sinking more wells is the best way of supplying the population with clean drinking water. 27. The prices are sinking. 28. If we can pump all the water out, we can save the ship from sinking. 29. A lifeboat came to rescue the people on the sinking ship. 30. The captain exercised all reasonable diligence to prevent the ship from sinking.