快好知 kuaihz

91. The 499 ton salvage tug then sent out a Mayday distress call to the effect that she was on fire and sinking. 92. Sinking to his knees, the priest put his head in his hands and sobbed. 93. I trod on the moist snow and felt myself sinking into Nirvana. 94. There were other animals that had left tracks on top of the snow, not sinking in at all. 95. Jean was pushed out of this sinking ship, but he actually should have jumped. 96. But the sight of pink carpe: and pink walls gave him a distinct sinking feeling. 97. But this was mid-February, and he felt the cold sinking to his ankles as he left the house alone. 98. Or would the rate of sinking slow down and stop as the raft achieved equilibrium? 99. And to take not one step to stop the economy from sinking beneath the waves. 100. The news of the fall of Le Mans had convinced him that his father's ship was sinking. 101. There are vague, frantic movements inside the car, which is sinking faster now. 102. All the time the tractor is sinking Through the degrees, deepening Into its hell of ice. 103. They realised that with a car slowly sinking into the marsh there was not a minute to spare. 104. The sun, a red wheel, was sinking slowly in the west. 105. Eck therefore had a whole night's steaming to put himself a hundred miles from the sinking before submerging at dawn. 106. The artist has painted her submerged, sinking through the water. 107. And knew, with a sinking heart, that there wasn't a single one he wanted to hear. 108. But I hear Fred celebrated in his own inimitable style, by sinking a large one in the Earl of Wessex. 109. With the car sinking into a marsh, there wasn't a moment to spare. 110. We were rescued from the sinking ship by a passing fishing boat. 111. The sinking stomach pains which heralded this loss were always welcome to me, and afterwards I would feel triumphantly clean. 111.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 112. I felt the sinking whir of the back wheel as it dug its own grave. 113. Euro Disney had a bumpy ride as the market digested its results, sinking to a low of 813p down 35p. 114. I slept, dreaming of Masquerade sinking through waves of steel into torrents of fire. 115. People who lived through the Clinton impeachment are entitled to get a sinking feeling. 116. He slipped and stumbled on the grain, sinking into it. 117. And so we got on that old boat, and I had the worst sinking feeling. 118. With sinking heart Sly realized that he was in a burger joint that was too trendy to peel its potatoes. 119. At first he will be greatly praised by his people, before sinking down into the dark pit of sin and pride. 120. We landed about a hundred feet from the headquarters ten, sinking into the grass up to the cargo deck.