快好知 kuaihz

61, It raises hell across the land. 62, Well, that raises an interesting question. 63, Which raises an obvious question: Why do humans have such a powerful urge to consume this poison? 64, Confrontation only creates the possibility for drama when it raises the possibility of change. 65, Corporation tax, by increasing the fixed costs, in effect raises the entry barriers to the industry. 66, The Office of Personnel Management has approved raises for engineers effective this month. 67, Which raises the question: what exactly does the Democratic Party want to stand for these days? 68, This in itself raises issues of how the information infrastructure can best serve two models at once. 69, The dust therefore cuts off the ultimate source of the disturbance that raises more dust. 70, Hough, 35, advocates making sacrifices in the district, such as not giving teacher pay raises. 71, A metaphysical world view raises the question of why you attracted that event. 72, It also raises to higher and more dangerous levels the problems associated with the long pattern of appeasement. 73, Some of the important matters that the hon. Gentleman raises have been the concern of several Select Committees. 74, This distinction between singular and plural, properly considered, raises a further substantial complication. 75, Para Handy raises a new head of steam Nan Spowart reports on the re-creation of a West coast legend. 76, This raises the question of political practices and the transnational capitalist class, to which I now turn. 77, Negative series-inserted feedback always raises the input impedance while negative shunt-inserted feedback reduces it. 78, He raises a subject that he has discussed with me. 79, Section 5.4 is also interesting because the problem it raises cuts across the boundaries of linguistically defined levels of analysis. 80, Clearly, crime is not a rare occurrence, but it is hidden methodically, and this raises problems for research. 81, Lying as shown, raise the top leg, and with foot pointed do 30 mini raises. 82, Sweating profusely, soaking through his robe, Havens raises his ax in triumph and walks off the makeshift stage. 83, This arbitrage opportunity raises the attractiveness of sterling and reduces the attractiveness of dollars. 84, The crucial choice of an estate agent raises the question of whether one is necessary at all. 85, The appeal raises questions under the Children Act 1989 which have not been previously considered by this court. 86, This case raises concerns about the accuracy of audit data when patients are treated in this way. 87, As an example, Graff raises the relation of a feminist literary canon to more familiar ones. 88, This raises the question of whether a partnership, such as a firm of accountants, or a corporation can act as arbitrators. 89, Among other things, this raises the income limits for deducting contributions by a taxpayer with a pension plan. 90, The suggestion that we should publish the amount paid for each company raises difficult problems of commercial confidentiality.