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181, This last point raises a fundamental question about the nature and function of standing rules. 182, The increased productivity that results from invention raises the real incomes and spending power of those who benefit from the new technology. 183, This raises the question of the role of the specialist agency in relation to the generalist and the development of a referral system. 184, The taut dialogue raises a squirming smorgasbord of questions about the potential for bedlam when our profound individual differences are ignored. 185, Clause 7 raises the question whether the asylum seeker wishes to submit any variation or amplification of the notice of appeal. 186, As one environmental goal after another is achieved, the environmental movement raises new issues and objectives. 187, A little deeper thinking raises the question of why organization participants should accept such core values. 188, But even if it is, the incident raises concerns about the influence of special interests. 189, It is no denigration of his immense achievement to point to these real difficulties which it raises. 189, Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 190, Contracting arrangements Editor, - B Olsburgh raises the question of rational distribution of health care resources in relation to coronary artery bypass grafting. 191, As mentioned earlier, the Convocation Library appeal raises money to pay for a number of journals in the library. 192, This raises doubts about some of the signposts the Fed used to rely on. 193, This raises the possibility that global warming may be a contributing factor. 194, This raises an open question: What will these tax subsidies actually subsidize? 195, Local Management of Schools also raises the problem of how extensively and at what costs a teaching post should be advertised? 196, As the Minister raises his eyebrow, I recommend my excellent speech on competitive tendering of 20 January in the House. 197, But while resolving one puzzle about the greenhouse effect. his analysis also raises new concern about its future influence on mankind. 198, They are considering 1 percent pay raises and $ 500 across-the-board annual pay hikes to take effect in April 1997. 199, The notes' inflation premium, based on the consumer price index, raises the value when you redeem them. 200, The Denver-based company initially raises $ 20 million in equity from several nationally prominent venture capital groups around the country. 201, Your boss is the one who writes your evaluations, recommends you for promotions and raises, and shapes your future. 202, But Transport 2000 believes the policy is illegal-claiming it effectively raises the speed limit. 203, In general, Forbes opposes any law that raises the cost of doing business. 204, But this raises the politically touchy issue of corporate welfare. 205, The strategy raises the prospect of voters with mobile phones being bombarded with election slogans from all parties. 206, Well, like everyone else, they pine for promotions, pay raises, and job security. 207, The real difficulty is surely whether scio raises a trust at all. 208, Such a consideration raises the prospect of having to run a surplus budget at the same time as cutting taxes. 209, The practice also raises questions about the quality of farmed fish, says Pauly. 210, My hon. Friend does not raise the matter just for the fun of it; he raises it because of its serious nature.