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on the wing造句
31. The old butterfly was as light on the wing as ever. 32. Just then, a stone cleverly thrown by the boy, struck the creature on the wing, but the blow did not disable it, and the jacamar ran off and disappeared in an instant. 33. The method presented has the feature that the trailing wing edge is aligned with the grid line through modification of the distribution of the mesh points on the wing surface. 34. The fog still slept on the wing above the drowned city. 35. The lark's on the wing, the snail's on the horn. 36. My father is a man and he's always on the wing. 37. ON THE WING The wake of a hovering rufous hummingbird, top. 38. In his book On the Wing, Alan Tennant chronicles his efforts to track the migration of the peregrine falcon. 39. They spend at least nine months of the year on the wing. 40. The standard weapons carried by the Tornado F3 are up to four ASRAAM short-range air-to-air missiles on the wing pylons and four AMRAAM medium-range missiles mounted under the fuselage. 41. This may sound sacrilegious , but he is still very good on the wing, and if his choice was not playing, or playing wide, he would play there happily. 42. Time is a bird for ever on the wing. - T . W . Robertson. 43. If you go much faster, the center of lift moves back on the wing, pushing the nose down and increasing velocity, until you soon approach the speed of sound.