affecting造句(151) The most serious charge was that the bank did not address the most critical factors affecting the location of economic activity.
(152) That it is therefore one of the most affecting we have.
(153) In this case, however, mutations affecting the expression of any one factor invariably affect two adjacent parts of the flower.
(154) Many neurologic disorders affecting the brain stem, cerebellum, and spinal cord posterior column may cause dizzy sensations.
(155) Most legal experts believe that few, if any, further important changes affecting company pension schemes are likely to ensue.
(156) This then multiplies and can spread through the body often affecting vital organs.
(157) Is all this affecting the quality of life of society in general?
(158) Users must have the technical knowledge to manage the bandwidth requirements of the Internet traffic to avoid adversely affecting corporate backbone traffic.
(159) During the meetings ministers were not expected to raise objections to decisions affecting other ministries, much less to challenge the chair.
(160) As with all the economic forces affecting firms' behaviour, the impact of change is uneven and defies generalisation.
(161) Surely a treaty vitally affecting the United Kingdom electorate's future democracy must be brought before Parliament before negotiations are concluded.
(162) For many months there was a very stable weather pattern affecting most of the northern hemisphere.
(163) The Centre aims to maintain a strong focus on those questions affecting the voluntary sector and to maintain close links with it.
(164) Any weakening of the stratospheric inversion would affect convective processes and atmospheric circulation in general, thereby affecting weather and climate.
(165) In the sections below we divide them into policies affecting imports, exports and countertrade.
(166) As factors affecting this requirement are sometimes not known until departure date, we can not always notify you in advance.
(167) It can have far-reaching financial consequences affecting not just you, but your home and family too.
(168) He found that support mechanisms and institutional settings are not key factors affecting research advance.
(169) Surely the House appreciates that some problems go beyond national frontiers, particularly those affecting pollution and international trade.
(170) Its scientists next plan to assess whether potential contamination carried in air or the food chain could be affecting islanders' health.
(171) If you draw your pension, you can earn up to a certain amount a week without affecting it.
(172) Uncertainties affecting peace and development are on the rise.
(173) At this affecting invitation , Pinocchio made a jump.
(174) He listened to them, affecting an amused interest.
(175) The disease is affecting his eyesight.
(176) The tears less affecting, the reconcillations is less sweet.
(177) events affecting the daily lives of millions of people.
(178) Haywire: I got a neuroanatomic lesion affecting my reticular activating system.
(179) Many developing countries could reduce public spending without slowing economic growth or adversely affecting the poor.
(180) She was in complete charge of all monetary matters affecting the household.