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31. The sheer implausibility of the emergence of humans from primordial slime in just three billion years is clearly too much for many. 32. Next came reddish-brown dry rot that turned quickly into smelly slime. 33. The slime they exude is obnoxious and slippery, and has the stench of rotting fish. 34. Slime and sludge covered the floors, everywhere wallpaper hung in tatters, while in places ceilings had come down. 35. Everywhere was thick with greenish slime and off-white guano in this great bird slum. 36. They were covered in this sort of slime, you know, that comes from the chemicals. 37. We now know that the watery slime so offensive to human sensibilities serves as an incubator for a variety of wildlife. 38. The slivery trail is slime. 39. So, it's a new pathogenicity slime mold. 40. For instance, when nutrients run low, individual myxobacteria (slime bacteria) may come together to form a fruiting body to produce spores. 41. Working with Japanese scientists, Mark Fricker and Dan Bebber at Oxford University used slime mould to model an effective railway network. 42. You see one on a log, and then you come back a few hours later and it's gone, " said Steven L. Stephenson, a slime mold expert at the University of Arkansas. 43. Hydrometallurgical process of recovery lead from lead anode slime in recent ten years is reviewed briefly. 44. The silicon containing minerals in bauxite are very apt to be slimed so as to produce a large amount of secondary slime which can seriously affect the silicon removal in reverse flotation. 45. The slime mold abandoned its tendrils near the salt and then grew a new highway pattern that efficiently rerouted food across Canada. 46. Meaning on the bottom is mud, then a layer of something they presume to be oil, and on top of that a two-inch thick goop that Asper calls “slime snot,[/slime.html]” possibly made up of oil and bacteria. 47. There is a coating of slime on the unwashed sink. 48. In 2000, Japanese researchers placed Physarum polycephalum — the name means "many-headed slime mold" — in a maze, along with two blocks of food. 49. A coal slime test was carried out by use of diesel oil emulsified by new type of emulsifying reagent developed independently. 50. Pointing beams of light at different parts of the slime mould means that different legs move. 51. The screw pressure filter is a kind of dewatering machine for coal slime. It is mainly used in coal preparation plants, underground sumps etc. 52. To prove his contention, he and his colleagues set about building a circuit that would, like the slime mould, learn and predict future signals. 53. The slime mold grew a network of tentacles that was nearly identical to the actual highway system on the Iberian Peninsula. 54. In this video, the simulated slime mold starts spread evenly throughout the land and then adapts its shape to the food sources. 55. In 2007, Joe McHugh discovered a new species of Peruvian slime mould beetle and named it Genisphindus roxannae after his wife Roxanne. 56. Another possible cause for odor is the build up of slime, mold, hair, etc in the tailpiece (the portion of pipe that comes out the bottom of your sink) or overflow of your sink. 57. However, the riverbed sludge plays a catalytic role on coal slime pyrolysis. 58. The reasonable solution of the order of floatation, the sulphuration Of mineral oxide and the bad influence of slime result in a better ore dressing. 59. The experiment results show that the method is simply and efficiency for recovering stibium anode slime. 60. As the competition in coal and coke market being intensive, for a small coal preparation plant to achieve better economic benefit, its coal slime should be processed.