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91. The experimenters tested whether they could replicate the slime gradient in other kinds of bacteria, including Bacillus subtilis, Micrococcus luteus and Escherichia coli. 92. Slime molds first came to scientific fame in the mid-20th century with the work of the Princeton biologist John Tyler Bonner. 93. Because slime mold finds the paths that are most resilient to faults or damage, it could be used to make mobile-communication and transportation networks hardier. 94. The slime layer consists of one aerobic and one anaerobic sublayer. 95. There is a layer of slime , called mucus, on the inside of the large intestine ( colon ) . 96. In this paper, methyl benzyl arsonic acid and sodium butyl xanthate are investigated as a mixed-collector for the flotation of wolframite slime. 97. The results show that this method can be used not only for ultrafine coal slime separation but also for super-clean coal production and desulfurization. 98. David Queller and Joan Strassmann, a husband-and-wife team of Dictyostelium experts at Washington University in St. Louis, have found that some strains of the slime mold are natural-born cheats. 99. The paper also describes development state of the coarse coal slime centrifuge and gives an analysis on its application in China. 100. In 2003, Dr. Stephenson and other slime mold experts embarked on a worldwide expedition to get a better understanding of the global diversity of these creatures. 101. The detrimental impact of coarse coal slime on jigging coal washing system can be effectively eliminated by putting technical renovation and enhanced production management into practice. 102. The paper gives an account of the influence of oxidized coal slime on its floatability and the way to improve the performance of flotation treating such slime. 103. Retention aid, Defoamer, Deposit Controller , Felt Controller , Preservative, Slime Controller, System Cleaner. 104. Tailings slime pulp can be rapidly and directly flocculated and thickened in a vertical sand bin without building a thickening tank. 105. With the process design and selection test of flocculant, engineering study was carried out on coal wash wastewater and slime dewatering by belt filter press. 106. If it were necessary for me to experience sliminess, I would become slime. I would set limed snares in the thickets ( God forbid! ), playing songs of hypocrisy on my pipes. 107. An Initial Approach to Solution of the Problems Found in the Equipment Used for Coarse Coal Slime Recovery in Yangquan No. 2 Colliery C. P. P. 108. Sharing time this weekend included dinosaurs, tennis, an electronic dictionary, a radio-controlled airplane, and a recipe for slime! 109. If you find that you're being slimed (and if you didn't commit a crime on your last job) you can send a letter (or get a lawyer to do it for you) to stop the slime machine. It's called defamation. 110. Through research on settling theory analysis is given on the factors effecting on coal slime settling. 111. Physarum polycephalum, a type of slime mold, grows tendrils in search of food and withdraws extraneous arms to focus on the most efficient paths between sources. 112. In one, middle school students use a mouse to add "slime mold" to a slide and watch as it spreads faster the more they add. 113. The main ingredients of the slime were SiC powder, EPS powder, Cr - Fe powder, auxiliary infiltration agent and binder, etc. 114. In 2010 he and his colleagues placed a slime mold in the middle of a map of Spain and Portugal, with pieces of food on the largest cities. 115. Slime festooned the walls and the place stank of blood, gore and a tinny, alien smell. 116. Sitting below the unappetizing Gagripsh is the pre-Soviet Primorskiy (Maritime) Park, still maintained but "slightly neglected, " says Victorovitch, with "overgrown slime in the ponds." 117. Using high-effective and universal biocide and algicide to control algae and slime is the main measure of industrial water treatment technology at present. 118. If some countries started to build highways from scratch, I would recommend to them to follow the slime mold routes," Dr. Adamatzky said. 119. A snail leaves a trail of slime behind it on the ground. 120. At room temperature, the slime mould moves at a slothful rate of about a centimetre per hour, but you can speed this movement up by giving the mould a blast of warm, moist air.