快好知 kuaihz

1. Withdrawing the money early will result in a 10% penalty. 2. They argued him into withdrawing his complaint. 3. We are committed to withdrawing our troops by the end of the year. 4. My parents decided to punish me by withdrawing financial support. 5. By withdrawing the funding, the government signed the project's death warrant. 6. I was withdrawing from drugs and in a terrible state. 7. Then I felt him pull back, almost withdrawing, and he held himself there. 8. We can not escape really by withdrawing into the seclusion of art. 9. Reagan was forced to announce that he was withdrawing his requests for additional military aid to El Salvador until after the elections. 10. ScotRail and InterCity say the services they are withdrawing or altering will affect a small number of commuters. 11. About midnight, the first Federal units began withdrawing from the field. 12. And if the Clinton administration does succeed in withdrawing the tax deduction? 13. What would be easier than withdrawing their overseas investments, something that would decimate our markets? 14. Some students who have accepted a place are withdrawing after taking up jobs or other advanced courses. 15. But if you go with her, it means withdrawing from the fast track at Hopkins and entering a standard graduate curriculum. 16. Their victims include a woman who is withdrawing money from a cash dispenser, and a gunsmith. 17. In January 1996, McGill disappeared after withdrawing $ 50 from an automatic teller machine. 18. He was aware of an almost imperceptible withdrawing, more emotional than physical, a small delicate gesture of self-containment. 19. But though he first reacted by withdrawing, ultimately Scott found his voice and became a conservative leader on the Columbia campus. 20. They were threatening to bring down the government by withdrawing from the ruling coalition. 21. The fear that airstrikes could endanger troops is moot now that the army is withdrawing. 22. He made it clear he had no intention of withdrawing from the political arena. 23. As part of the plan, Sears said it is withdrawing from Saxone and Curtess shoe stores. 24. Teenagers often make inappropriate responses to conflicts such as aggression, withdrawing, sulking, tantrums or destructive behaviour. 25. The more conservative Viktor Chernomyrdin was voted in after Yeltsin was pressured into withdrawing his support for Gaidar. 26. By the second act, with its greater density of incident, I found my sympathies withdrawing. 27. In the first situation all we have is the partners withdrawing cash from the business with no apparent input. 28. Of course, a general liquidity shortage can not be alleviated by banks withdrawing loans from each other. 29. Out of increasing frustration, some members of the public at large are withdrawing from any participation in politics. 30. Collapse of coup - Gorbachev's return On Aug. 21 troops began withdrawing from Moscow and media restrictions were lifted.