快好知 kuaihz

1. The village was placed under curfew. 2. He placed a battered felt hat on his head. 3. She placed the money in his palm. 4. She placed a book on the table. 5. Ian placed a hand on her shoulder. 6. Too much emphasis is placed on research. 7. Madeleine placed it carefully in the rocky niche. 8. Morse placed a restraining hand on Lewis's arm. 9. He placed the money on the table. 10. He placed a marker where the ball had landed. 11. He was placed on probation for two years. 12. The crown was placed upon the new monarch's head. 13. She placed the ladder under the window. 14. Little Jack was placed with foster parents. 15. His illness placed an intolerable burden on his family. 16. He placed the book on the shelf. 17. Yesterday a satellite weighing 15 tonnes was successfully placed in orbit. 18. After she paid the bill, she placed the receipt in her wallet. 19. Miss Parrish recently placed an advertisement in the local news-paper. 20. If valuables are placed in the safe, the hotel is responsible for their safe custody. 21. She placed the handkerchief on a piece of paper to dry on the radiator. 22. The government has placed tight constraints on spending this year. 23. These have been placed into our files for future reference. 24. Order and discipline have been placed in the hands of headmasters and governing bodies. 25. The government has placed a bounty on the heads of many of its opponents. 26. When his parents died, he was placed in the custody of his aunt. 27. If the blocks are placed off-centre, they will fall down. 28. He amply fulfilled the weight of expectation that they had placed on him. 29. The main cabin has its full-sized double bed centrally placed with plenty of room around it. 30. Her hands and feet were tied and a gag placed over her mouth.