快好知 kuaihz

31. You say a, one, two, several, etc. hundred without a final 's' on 'hundred'. Hundreds can be used if there is no number or quantity before it. Always use a plural verb with hundred or hundreds.: One hundred have already been placed with foster families. 32. The council has placed a preservation order on the building. 33. The police officer said that he had placed the man under arrest and that a scuffle had ensued. 34. He retook my hand and placed it on his forehead. 35. There are candles strategically placed — just in case we have another power cut. 36. I put the letter in the envelope and placed it on the pile. 37. They have placed great trust in him as a negotiator. 38. They've placed an ad for someone to baby-sit the youngsters in the evening. 39. His shares were placed in a blind trust when he became a government minister. 40. He was placed in Xin Hua News Agency as a translator. 41. A metal grid had been placed across the hole to stop people falling in. 42. She placed the cards face downwards on the table. 43. The chairs were placed at regular distances. 44. His horse placed in the last race . 45. He placed the blame on his wife. 46. The whole town was placed under curfew. 47. We placed bets on three horses. 48. He placed/put a personal ad in The Times. 49. The children were placed with foster parents. 50. The chairs were placed in a semi-circular arrangement. 51. The chairs were placed upside down on the tables. 52. He placed the books in order on the shelf. 53. He has placed himself above party politics. 54. I've been placed in an impossible position. 55. The coffin was placed in the grave. 56. The books were placed haphazardly on the shelf. 57. The troops were placed on full alert. 58. The forms were placed end to end. 59. She placed her name on the list of volunteers. 60. The army was placed on a war footing .