快好知 kuaihz

1. The wheel revolved on its centre. 2. Since childhood, her life has revolved around tennis. 3. The conversation revolved around childcare problems. 4. He revolved the pencil between his fingers. 5. He revolved the main points in his mind. 6. Ken's whole life revolved around surfing . 7. The argument revolved around costs. 8. The discussion revolved around the question of changing the club's name. 9. The gun turret revolved until the gun was aimed at the advancing soldiers. 10. The plotline revolved around the fall of Chas, a minor London gangster. 11. The fan revolved slowly. 12. Monica picked up her Biro and revolved it between her teeth. 13. The dispute at the moment revolved about the question of whom to send. 14. His whole social life revolved around the YCs. 15. Many early religious cults revolved around sexuality. 16. A disco ball revolved slowly above the empty dance-floor. 17. I believe it revolved around Claudine Phan. 18. Overhead, the fan revolved slowly. 19. The room revolved round her and she ran her tongue over suddenly dry lips. 20. She stared at their supper as it revolved on the turntable. 21. It revealed an unrepentantly superficial world where life revolved around the minutiae of outward appearances and public display. 22. Bettman inherited a league that revolved around a rubber disk and, for the most part, was directed by boneheads. 23. Political life revolved around the court, and not around the occasional meetings of parliament. 24. As he slowly revolved he observed all points of the compass with eyes wide in wonder. 25. Slowly, she revolved it, before pulling it out with a plop. 26. Anwar's arm revolved faster and faster, until it was no more than a blur above his shoulders. 27. Bob was used to testing people, his whole life revolved around it. 28. Nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them became the pivot around which much of the Cold War revolved. 29. At least the handle turned, and to his surprise the turntable revolved, if rather slowly, when he moved the lever. 30. Tycho accused Ursus of stealing his idea that the sun revolved about the earth, carrying the planets with it.