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31. At one time it was widely believed that the sun revolved around the Earth. 32. Up to secondary school her life had revolved around the family and the Salvation Army. 33. As was seen in Chapter 1, the main debate here has revolved around how to explain the long waves. 34. Linkage assumed that world politics revolved around the constant struggle for supremacy between the great powers. 35. She says her life revolved around the ice rink - she had to fit her personal life in around her skating. 36. The social life of the village revolved around the club; the clubhouse was like a den. 37. John nodded and revolved his right hand, indicating a faster pace. 38. A green and blue mobile revolved slowly above our heads. 39. The dancers revolved round each other like planets. 40. The report revolved in the main around Europe. 41. I revolved the problem in my mind. 42. The debate revolved around the morality of abortion. 43. Ideas revolved in his mind. 44. Several fantasies revolved around in my mind. 45. This disc can be revolved. 46. The celestial pole corresponded to the position of the emperor on earth, around whom the vast system of the bureaucratic agrarian state naturally and spontaneously revolved. 47. Until recently, corporate social responsibility among businesses has revolved around risk mitigation and self-regulation. 48. He changed his position restlessly, as he revolved scheme after scheme. 49. It revolved around handsome young men - dressed up gaudily, highly trained in seduction, paid to lounge around in special bars. 50. Copernicus, like Aristarchus some seventeen centuries earlier, described a world in which the sun was at rest and the planets revolved around it in circular orbits. 51. For the third time, Charity Burbage revolved to face Snape. Tears were pouring from her eyes into her hair. 52. In the 16th century, Copernicus put forth his controversial concept of a heliocentric solar system, in which the planets revolved around the sun -- not the Earth. 53. One of the Death Eaters spat on the floor. Charity Burbage revolved to face Snape again. 54. Revolved to the rotary blade, which is the key component of the rotary cutting weeder, we designed the rack, the ground copying mechanism, the cutter shaft and the rotary blade etc. 55. They sought the woods, and revolved the oracle in their minds. 56. The conversation revolved around the terrible condition of the road. 57. She revolved the'son Willoughby " through moods of stupefaction, contempt, revolt, subjection. 58. For example a globe could be revolved by drawing a half circle. 59. Novarese would go on to become one of Italy's premier typeface designers, but in 1952, the release of this all-caps titling face revolved around Butti and the foundry where he worked, Nebiolo. 60. The revolved cut cores from wood sheets, scobs, wood-wools, wood shavings, and the wood materials which are 6mm thick or less shall also be excluded.