followers造句(61) Less forceful, less certain, and less articulate followers may find it impossible to challenge the leader.
(62) Both were marauding, tribal war-leaders whose main aim was to bring military glory to themselves and their followers.
(63) The shoguns themselves lacked the personal charisma of their early predecessors and divisions within the Bakufu hierarchy and Tokugawa followers increased.
(64) The confrontation ended April 19 with a fire that consumed the compound and killed Koresh and about 80 of his followers.
(65) Not until his death and resurrection could that same Spirit become readily available for his followers.
(66) Seth and his followers quickly grasped their opportunity and immediately closed the lid and fastened it securely.
(67) There's a lot more to Jefferson Airhead than rent-a-baggy camp followers.
(68) Haider and his followers have been gradually building their support at the ballot box for the past decade.
(69) But the caution of other princes may not have blinded their followers to the possible propaganda value of the Laudes.
(70) The reality was the allegiance to Rome of the local aristocracies which in turn conditioned the behaviour of their clients and followers.
(71) Anomie theorists and their subcultural followers reversed the classical position on these matters, and in doing so encountered serious problems.
(72) After all, as scrupulous followers of the Talmud, dishonesty and corruption were abhorred.
(73) The latter prevailed, but on 18 March 978 was assassinated by his rival's followers at Corfe in Dorset.
(74) His followers are to trust in the goodness and providence of their heavenly father and abandon their care about the material world.
(75) Two of the clearest examples are to be seen in the courses followed by Gerry Healy and Michel Pablo and their followers.
(76) His top priority is survival, not the mandate for sweeping change his followers won in recent parliamentary elections.
(77) Large as icebergs they drifted off to the north carrying the remaining followers of the Witch King.
(78) In some traditional reading books there was a clear assumption that boys were leaders and girls were followers.
(79) Newman had realised that, because of cultural inequalities, many people were not ardent followers of drama as presented in the Theatre.
(80) LeroiGourhan and his followers have catalogued some 400 of them.
(81) Second, there is the inclination of followers in some circumstances to collaborate in their own deception.
(82) In his introductory essay, Vincent Scully maintains that Kahn would be disappointed by contemporary architecture and the work of his followers.
(83) Tribal leaders are accused of inciting their followers to attack rival tribes.
(84) He gave no clue Sunday night about which option he would choose, though he asked his followers for financial support.
(85) The tragedy of 1914 was that neither side could accept this obvious compromise because neither could sell it to their own followers.
(86) Yahweh and six followers had been convicted in May of federal conspiracy charges.
(87) It's time for sports followers to be given their say.
(88) Candidates in local elections can expect their followers not only to vote for them but to campaign for them as well.
(89) So leaders, and their followers on the frontiers of empire, often looked like disobedient and violent men.
(90) Silver waited calmly, his pipe in his mouth, as he watched his followers.