I say造句151. What can I say in answer to this charge of irrelevance?
152. When I say his demand for a raise is absurd, I mean absurdly low.
153. When I say do your best, I mean your very best. You are capable of so much more.Gordon B. Hinckley
154. I say and pick his headphones up and hand them to him.
155. If you are a teacher I do not ask you to believe or take on trust anything I say.
156. I say again what I said before business questions, namely, that there is heavy pressure on the next two debates.
157. If during the examination the vet is concerned about the hocks, for example, I say to feel free to take more.
158. I say surprising, because some are as digestible as boot polish while others are simply unwatchable.
159. I say bigger brother, but the 880 is only really comparable with the 990 for resolution and performance.
160. You see things; and you say, Why? But I dream things that never were; and I say, Why not?George Bernard Shaw
161. In a smooth, reflex action honed by years of practice, I say no.
162. You put what I say in your mind and wrap it up and it disappears forever.
163. So I say nothing to Anna; instead I quietly join her family for a meal.
164. I want to consult my lawyer before I say anything.
165. Titania : Gosh! What can I say?
166. The question is, how shall I say, quite thorny.
167. Can I say one thing about Mr. Incorrigible?
168. I say the railroading problem is insurmountable.
169. Eliza Doolittle: Didn't I say that?
170. There is no ill will in what I say.
171. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
172. I say this jump was preemptive.
173. I say that shit just clowning dogg.
174. Iago. Patience, I say; your mind perhaps may change.
175. As I say, the day began gloriously.
176. I say, aren't you John Hoary?
177. Did I say a set phrase just now?
178. I mean what I say and shall never react from [ go back on ] my words.
179. Take note of what I say and don't forget it.
180. This battle is over Leonidas . - This battle is over when I say it is over.