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91. Unable to set external schema location when inline schema is used. 92. This is not a big deal because when you use an untyped DataSet you would still likely have to change some client code if the underlying schema changes. 93. NET Entity Framework uses a DSL called conceptual schema definition language ( CSDL ) to define conceptual models. 94. The schema file is divided into sections which begin with a heading in square brackets. 95. The default, and recommended, target schema name is the source schema name. 96. Schema update failed: class in aux - class list does not exist or is not AN auxiliary class. 97. Maybe a schema change is not a great example, because you don't make gratuitous schema changes. 98. The precisionDecimal is a new type introduced in XML Schema 1.1 to support the new IEEE-754 floating-point decimal type. 99. In the latter case, you must import the domain specification (namespace declaration and XSD import declaration with the schema location) so that the XSD parser can resolve the referred elements. 100. Piaget thinks the development of cognition involves four aspects, such as schema, assimilation, readjustment and equilibration. 101. As the name implies, it uses annotations in the XML schema as the mapping language to map information in an XML document to relational tables. 102. Enterprise Replication must connect to each of the servers directly to process the master schema verification and optional table creation. 103. The XML document that is produced needs to be complete in that it contains all the expected data and the document also needs to be valid and match its corresponding schema. 104. Schema update failed: class in poss - superiors does not exist. 105. Default attribute groups make it easier to specify attributes which every complex type in a schema should accept (for example, xml:id and xml:lang, or an attribute wildcard). 106. This paper introduces the utilization of XML and the thought of relational schema translation based on XML, and illustrates the concrete translation method with examples. 107. Later we had to add a schema area to the model to track data modeling efforts by the database architect. 108. Objects for schema V9R0M0, and containing data, are copied to schema V9R1M0 and a new object owner V9_ADMIN is assigned. 109. Concepts of Primary Feature Field and Primary Feature Space are defined, and factor of Primary Feature Word is introduced to the traditional weighting schema to enhance the system performance. 110. Listing 5 shows a sample output generated using Technique 1 XSL when applied over the schema documents shown in Listing 3 above. 111. The Object List window now shows the table schema, table name, and row count for each table as shown in Figure 5. 112. Additional code is required to implement required validations that augment the schema checks. 113. Since, XML Schema is an open standard[http:///schema.html], it only requires the addition of a few proprietary features in the mapping language specification. 114. In the circumstance of providing schema constructivism monitoring instruction, the group that provided instruction before source problem understand and master better than group provided after. 115. In fact, that's exactly what the host language schema does. 116. Schema Theory is a theoretical mode explaining psychological process in cognitive psychology. 117. For federated statements, this will be the mechanism that overwrites the document's internal schema specification if the schema information is not accessible by the DB2 server. 118. XML Schema is widely used and well-suited for statically describing the structure and content of XML. 119. Schema: the unmapped element'% 1'cannot have mapped child'% 2 '. 120. The thesis mainly researches on component retrieval technologies based on the faceted classification schema.