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121. If the XMLVALIDATE is called without any schema specification, either the internal schema specification is used, or the DTD specification is used in its absence. 122. However, some configuration points can't be derived by Workload Deployer, such as your schema file or enterprise application archive file. 123. The second chapter mainly introduces the whole schema of the virtual flexible coordinate measuring machine. 124. As in Oracle, the DB2 schema name is used to group objects logically. 125. At present, Schema Theory and Contextual Theory have been a hotspot of study in reading teaching. 126. Generating code from a Schema description is very simple with JAXB. 127. The process of database design is from integrating many external schemas into conceptual schema, then converting the conceptual schema into internal schema. 128. The notifier extracts the appropriate content from the registry and then uses the DB2 commands for loading schema into the XSR, as described above. 129. In the example in Listing 15, the element type is validated normally against the schema, but the contents of that element, the table row, and the table head HTML elements are skipped. 130. Considering current applications in CIMS, relational multidatabase system which has unique global schema is taken as the main part of global information system. 131. Analysis have been done on the knowledge schema research of modern cognitive psychology , and on the advantage and disadvantage on production system and connectionism. 132. The XML Schema is the active window and as such, has current selection context. 133. Based on the formal definitions of relational database schema and OWL ontology, the approach follows a set of universal mapping rules from a relational database schema to an OWL ontology. 134. In XML Schema 1.1, element declarations can have a type table which contains a sequence of type alternative components and a default type definition (which is also a type alternative). 135. In some people— especially those prone to a poorly developed body schema—the real hand then starts to get ignored by the brain, marked by a discernable temperature drop. 136. The Start with WSDL programming model is used to generate the service end-point interface along with classes that represent the schema definitions and message parts defined within the WSDL. 137. The experimental results show that this approach can improve the precision ratio and recall ratio of the schema matching obviously, and it can effectively improve the quality of the schema matching. 138. Above, this article described the UPDATE XMLSCHEMA command to store updated — and backward compatible — versions of a schema in the XSR. 139. By specifying additional schema and object level filters, the list of objects listed to create a data source can be made specific to the developer's requirements. 140. Ad Service: Unsupported schema version. Please check for product updates. 141. Browse to the directory containing the schema file (a sample schema called purchaseOrder.xsd is provided in the Download section of this article), and then click Open. 142. Unlike the IMPORT statement that is using the namespace as the ID of the schema file,[www.] the INCLUDE statement uses the location of the file that relies on a physical location. 143. How to seek a better method to eliminate recursive schema is a problem in the transformation of program. 144. Qualifier of a namespace must be unique in a schema file. 145. The XAML schema context is also responsible for maintaining the assembly list of loaded assemblies, which defines where a XAML parser looks for backing types. 146. And the process of schema translation involves the decoding of the source language text and the recoding of the target language text. 147. Finally, a solution must be backward compatible with the original schema. 148. All non-immediate components are local and are typically nested within another schema component. 149. One very handy spin-off of constructing the schema is that XML editing tools can now be used to write valid DOAP files. 150. Also we want to change the schema name for the capture control tables.