cleared造句31. She has been cleared of murdering the little boy.
32. He cleared out before the police arrived.
33. He cleared off when he heard the police siren.
34. His mind cleared after he heard the truth.
35. The police cleared the crowd away.
36. The streets had been cleared of snow.
37. The early morning mist cleared before we set out.
38. The guests left,and the table was cleared.
39. The horse cleared the fence easily.
40. This parcel has been cleared with the border police.
41. They cleared off when they saw the police coming.
42. I had cleared my desk before I left.
43. The police cleared the demonstrators away.
44. The rash cleared up very quickly.
45. The early morning mist had cleared.
46. Has your rash cleared up yet?
47. As her mind cleared, she remembered what had happened.
48. The rubbish must be cleared away.
49. The matter has been cleared up.
50. She cleared her throat, then began to speak.
51. The ship cleared for Shanghai this morning.
52. Green was cleared of all charges against him.
53. I've cleared a shelf in the cupboard for you.
54. I cleared away the tea things.
55. The dog cleared the gate in one bound.
56. His face suddenly cleared as understanding dawned.
57. The enquiry cleared him of any taint of suspicion/dishonesty.
58. Her face cleared up when she read the letter.
59. Police cleared a path through the protesters.
60. The sky cleared after the storm.