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31. Stronghold: Crusader Extreme is an version of 2001's Stronghold expansion, Stronghold: Crusader by Firefly Studios. 32. The next, even more influential anti - masturbation crusader a physician : Dr. John H. Kellogg. 33. The real Caped Crusader calls his crime-fighting cohorts when he's running late. I had to walk. 34. A smash with both audiences and critics, the latest Batman movie took the Caped Crusader, at least in his film incarnation, into his darkest places yet. 35. Asas 1842, a temperance crusader named Robert Hartley warned that city milk was catastrophically tainted. 36. This was the first, promoted by Pope Urban II in 1095, as recorded 50 years later by a Genoese crusader. 37. Crusader : Lance - Damage over time effect will now stack with other allies. 38. Comic strips starring a hooded crusader, Iodine Man, rescuing a slow-witted student from an enraged teacher were handed out across the country. 39. On Sunday afternoon the Caped Crusader passed the $500 million mark in domestic box office, only the second movie in history to do that. 40. As Harvey tells the Caped Crusader, "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become a villain." 41. Nur al-Din took advantage of the absence of Amalric and Jerusalem's army to attack the Crusader States, winning a pitched battle and retaking the city of Harim. 42. Sated and miserable in hedonistic Rome, he looks to the chivalry of the knights crusader. 43. Doubtless Mr. ----- had considered himself a holy crusader, defending the public rights against callous exploitation. 44. It's a major sea change when an era's biggest leading man turns to the dark side after playing the action hero, the dashing romancer and the crusader for justice. 45. Crusader Strike will be a core ability for all paladins, gained at level 1. 46. Two: A kaleidoscope of a coiffeur, for the barking - mad pet crusader.