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pure mathematics造句
1. Mathematics 1A is a traditional first-year pure mathematics course covering calculus, analysis and algebra. 2. It was a piece of pure mathematics that could easily be applied to letters and pictures on a page. 3. Even in pure mathematics, he met with one bitter disappointment. 4. There are no other types of proposition except pure mathematics and logic. 5. And it is not some realm of pure mathematics, which is in itself a mere abstraction. 6. Applications within pure mathematics other than those found in the text are far too numerous and diverse to mention here. 7. Moreover, multivariate splines also have certain relations with pure mathematics, such as, abstract algebra, algebraic geometry combinatorics and so forth. 8. Pure mathematics is, in the way, the poetry of logical ideas. 9. Though Pure Mathematics has led to useful discoveries, much of the impetus has come from the physical sciences. 10. The science of pure mathematics, in its modern development, may claim to be the most original creation of the human spirit. (Alfred North Whitehead). 11. The science of pure mathematics ... may claim to be the most original creation of the human spirit---Alfred North Whitehead, English mathematician and philosopher. 12. The science of pure mathematics ... may claim to be the most. 13. Zhang Xinyang, a 16-year-old getting his PhD in pure mathematics at Beihang University, earlier this year refused to defend his master's thesis until his parents agreed to buy him his own apartment. 14. Pure mathematics can be practically useful and applied mathematics can be artistically elegant. 15. He gets thrown off by pure mathematics, but he's good at anything involving spatial relationships and design. 16. Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas. 16.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 17. The wavelet analysis is applying widely to pure mathematics, applied mathematics, signal processing, speech recognition and synthesis, automation processing and image analysis etc. 18. What justifies pure mathematics, with its ontology of abstract objects, is the indispensable part it plays as an adjunct of natural science. 19. This was in addition to its being an elegant and logical piece of pure mathematics. 20. Axiomatic thought dominates the area of modern mathematics and pure mathematics. 21. At about the same time, in the field of pure mathematics Lawson , Stralka, etc. 22. It seems to me that calligraphy, as representing the purest principles of rhythm and composition, stands in relation to painting as pure mathematics stands in relation to engineering or astronomy. 23. For my own part I have never once found myself in a position where such scientific knowledge as I possess, outside pure mathematics, has brought me the slightest advantage. 24. In the last two decades of his life, he Shifted pure mathematics areas from applied mathematics areas.