spanking造句1. He needs a good spanking.
2. I don't agree with spanking.
3. They raced by at a spanking pace.
4. Andrea gave her son a sound spanking.
5. They started walking at a spanking rate.
6. He squared away to a spanking wind.
7. We had a spanking time last night.
8. The boy got a sound spanking.
9. The horse set off at a spanking pace.
10. Bondage, beating, whipping and spanking.
11. I can't recall really spanking them.
12. But you wouldn't call that a spanking.
13. The marina is brand spanking new.
14. That he was wearing a spanking new snap-brimmed fedora.
15. It became quite obvious who really needed spanking.
16. Like a leather-clad spanking madam in fluffy carpet slippers, it's less threatening that way.
17. Spanking Lanie caused her to scream and seem almost hysterical.
18. "Time out," rather than spanking, is now the favored form of discipline for many parents.
19. But the bad guys get a spanking, so the story had a modicum of morality.
20. It was brand, spanking new, not a dent nor scratch on its sleek body.
21. Is spanking a good way to discipline children?
22. If you don't stop that noise, you'll get a spanking !
23. Along a side street there prowled, one recent morning, a spanking white Rolls-Royce.
24. Jules, entering into the charioteer spirit, drove standing up and the mare went along at a spanking trot.
25. If you do that again, you're going to get a spanking!
26. When they misbehave, we resort to various sanctions, including old-fashioned spanking at times.
27. In the distance, ponies in long-shafted light chariots trotted at a spanking pace, the wheels spinning around.
28. It closed Tuesday, less than two hours after Greenspan administered his spanking, down a hardly chastened 29. 08.
29. There is a plan to clear the site to make way for a spanking new conference centre.
30. One of the disadvantages of monthly reviewing schedules is that most instruments arriving at the Guitarist office are brand spanking new.