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rube goldberg造句
1. We kept saying Rube Goldberg, but I found this English guy named W. 2. Another Rube Goldberg machine, it was to be built like a pier. 3. But if Rube Goldberg machines and video poetry aren't quite your cup of tea, how about this. 4. Pomeranz characterized a $150-billion plan to channel water from the Yangtze to parched Beijing and other fast-growing northern areas as a "big Rube Goldberg contraption." 5. They are a result of the way that the brain, a Rube Goldberg mental contraption, processes memory. 6. Nolan's strange wizardry has given rise to a psychic Rube Goldberg contraption that plays like a rousing "Star Wars" episode for smart people of all ages. 7. For one thing, it's hard to believe that the Rube Goldberg financial engineering the statement proposes can really resolve the Greek crisis, let alone the wider European crisis. 8. The final formula had the appearance of being some miraculous Rube Goldberg collection of items that by some happy accident worked. 9. A cross between that and maybe a little-known film we saw on Rube Goldberg and his ways. 10. Now the international system has come to depend on what looks more like a global Rube Goldberg machine running on hot money. 11. They seem like terribly serious versions of what has come to be known as Rube Goldberg machines. 12. The system is more complex. What has been legislated is a Rube Goldberg contraption.