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31 After discussing the voice with his colleagues, including endocrinologists, Branchereau ended up with the theory of chemical castration through the synthetic anti-male hormone drug Cyproterone. 32 Masturbation is still forbidden today in certain religions and cultures, and even punished or prevented through castration and female circumcision in some areas of the world. 33 Castration had been removed as a penalty scores of years before. 34 However, since there is only one signifier of sexuality (the phallus), the Other signifier of the signifying chain must represent the absence of the phallus ( castration). 35 The important thing is to see that if there is something that deserves this name, it is precisely the carry-over of this negatived function which is grounded in the castration complex. 36 Alan Turing, a mathematician most famous for his work on breaking the German Enigma codes, was convicted of ‘gross indecency’ in 1952 and sentenced to chemical castration. 37 The castration without spermatheca of the 11 female has been rare in the past reports. 38 The desire of this noetic Other is an enigma, and this enigma is tied into the(9) structural foundation of its castration. 39 That something like an order can be brought into this hole, this constitutive failure of primordial castration(Sentence dictionary), is what I believe circumcision incarnates in the proper sense of the word. 40 Early-age neutering refers to castration or ovariohysterectomy before sexual maturity. 41 Castration ( or neutering ): Removal of the testes. The procedure stops most production of the hormone testosterone. 42 It is an apologue; this apologue is designed to emphasise that o only has meaning for man when it has been poured back into the emptiness of primordial castration.