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1, They trawl these waters for cod. 2, They salt down cod for winter use. 3, A Catalan speciality is to serve salt cod cold. 4, They unloaded their catch of cod and bass. 5, Several countries have now set quotas for cod fishing. 6, The seascapes of Cape Cod were her inspiration. 7, Cod stocks in the North Atlantic have dropped radically. 8, Two cod fillets, please. 9, The cod were so thick in the water that they caught thousands very quickly. 10, Cod are found in the North Atlantic and the North Sea. 11, Cod and chips, please. 12, Boats taking occasional thornback ray, but cod scarce. 13, Cod, I had really hit pay dirt. 14, Plaice, cod, huss and skate are all caught locally. 15, The whales favour large prey, including squid, cod and sharks. 16, A few late cod from deep water at Lepe while flounder and odd plaice taken from the Stone Point section. 17, He left a gate open and Mr Cod wandered off, never to be seen again. 18, William and Joe and their entire consignment of cod vanished in the desire to please Araminta. 19, Ian and a friend bagged 90 cod in just two hours in one purple patch. 20, He ordered his meal of cod and chips and no vinegar, then sat down to await its arrival. 21, Sprat sandals, tuna trainers, cod court shoes pilchard pumps or perhaps even bream brogues. 22, The manager, young Pinto-Marques,[http:///cod.html] supplied him with glasses of chilled vinho verde and plates of olives or salt cod fritters. 23, Peeler also works for pout, eels and the big cod. 24, Jacket taken: A sports jacket worth £100 was stolen from a car at Cod Beck reservoir near Osmotherley. 25, Freezer: Pack of steaks, beefburgers, fish-fingers, peas, runner beans, ready cooked curry meal, cod. 26, Severe cold conditions could lead to a big increase in cod numbers. 27, Boats heading out past the Needles found just odd cod along with a few whiting, rays, pout and dogfish. 28, It's a busy time on the Mersey for sea anglers as the winter whiting and cod come within casting range. 29, Mr Gummer's determination to win the highest figures advised by the scientists failed for the North Sea cod quota. 30, Poole boat anglers found the going tough with just odd pout, dogfish, whiting and occasional cod.