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121, Strongly acidic food: egg yolk, cheese white sugar or persimmon, mullet fish roe dried cod, etc. 122, Cod and haddock in the Barents Sea have been found to flee the area when air guns start firing, drastically reducing fish catches for days. 123, Removal rates of COD from the acid black 10B dye simulated wastewater in different conditions of magnetic-assisted reaction time, intensity of magnetic field, catalyst oxidation were studied. 124, Coking waste water is industrial organic wastewater with high COD and concentration. 125, It was not ideal to remove COD of effluent via adding these three PAMs products. 126, Unit GDP year - on - year drop 4. % energy , cod , sulfur dioxide emissions reduction 4.42 % . % and respectively. 127, The results show that the COD at the inflow and outflow follows the rule of exponential equation. 128, I forego the cod tongues: just thinking about how they extract them makes me slightly queasy. 129, Norway sea water is cold and clean and rich of halobios. Norway cod lives in deep ocean in the Arctic Circle. The Norway cod nutrition is better for the excellent natural environment. 130, Plus the easy-to-gather local food: clams, lobsters, cod, eels, onions, turnips and greens from spinach to chard. 131, After wastewater is pretreated by iron scrap method, the ratio of COD/N lowers, nitritation process will be carried out much earlier, which is beneficial to shortening the total aeration time. 132, Cold-water fish that are low in mercury, flaxseeds and flaxseed oil, soybean and cod liver oils, walnuts and winter squash are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids. 133, main exporting products: pollock fillets , yellow fin sole fillets, cod fillets, red snapper fillets, salmon fillets, scallop, etc. 134, In the following example, CL produces a combined source and machine - code listing called HELLO. COD. 135, Cod liver oil may be good for you, but It'sure tastes awful. 136, The initial concentration of phenol solution has effect on the ultrasound enhancement ozonization. The COD removal efficiency decreased with increasing of the initial concentration. 137, The optimum condition was studied experimentally and the result showed that COD and colority removals could attain 77% and 95% respectively. 138, The pre - oxidization have enhanced the biodegradability of wastewater, and the COD removing rate obtained certain enhancement. 139, This method of pan frying is great for cooking fish like salmon, tuna, swordfish, mackerel, bluefish, cod, catfish, butterfish, and lots more! 140, The results showed that the Oenanthe javanica could reduce P, N, COD value in large amount. It could obvious improve quality of wastewater. 141, Cod and hake each require about ten SNPs, while herring require about 30. 142, To remove main disturbing ion, chlorine ion in the COD potassium dichromate reflux method,[.com] silver sulfate replaces mercury sulfate as a screening agent. 143, We also discovered that cows with endometritis, pyometra and other uterus diseases often had ovarian pathological changes, such as COD, persistent corpus luteum and ovaritis. 144, Luxurious and silky smooth Alaska black cod steak garnished with a fruity - sweet cranberry sauce. 145, A recent study found that 25% of putative cod or haddock bought from fishmongers and take-away restaurants were not even the right species. 146, Protected by the sandy elbow of Cape Cod proper, a sailboat glides over the smooth waters of Cape Cod Bay. 147, Thousands of mourners gathered Friday on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, for the funeral of Eunice Kennedy Shriver. 148, Treatment with ferric chloride is a better option for COD removal. 149, a cod American accent. 150, This body of water separates most of the state from famous Cape Cod.