快好知 kuaihz

operate on造句
1. Nearly all the tractors operate on diesel oil. 2. The army is now empowered to operate on a shoot-to-kill basis. 3. Social workers operate on the razor's edge. 4. The medicine will quickly operate on such patients. 5. Are they going to operate on him? 6. Her arm has been hocussed, now operate on her. 7. Many small companies operate on very narrow profit margins. 8. We will have to operate on his eyes. 9. The city would operate on a more human scale if cars were banned from the centre. 10. He is certain that this TV set will operate on batteries. 11. Major companies must operate on a global scale. 2. 12. Doctors had to operate on his spine. 13. They must operate on a good deal less than total information; 70 percent is considered high availability for business people. 14. Whether such a process can operate on a large enough scale to produce major oasis depressions is more doubtful. 15. These operate on the principle of ranking-differences in social status between people. 16. They should operate on a part-time basis and attract their own television and sponsorship. 17. That number is enough to operate on a regional basis. 18. A number of smaller firms also operate on the site. 19. This same basic cycle could also operate on the interconversion of carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide plus oxygen. 20. OF course libraries operate on restricted budgets and must make choices between books. 21. They operate on around a quarter of the staff of a normal monthly publication. 9. 22. They had to operate on my arm because it was broken in two places. 23. And pub landlords who operate on overdrafts may be forced to put up to 2p on a pint to stay in business. 24. Kind surgeons have offered to operate on him, if only we can get him over here. 25. It can be risky to operate on very old people. 26. Essentially they operate on a short-term basis in the context of intense international competition. 27. Its presence warns us that unfamiliar types of ore-formation processes may operate on the Moon in the absence of oxygen and water. 28. With precise control both units can be set to operate on and off at the same setting with consequent better heat distribution. 29. An autonomous land vehicle, for instance, would not be autonomous if it could only operate on paved roads. 30. Even animals have better protection than people - only qualified veterinary surgeons can operate on them.