stays造句91. Iii most cases of acute pancreatitis, the lipase activity Stays elevated longer than amylase activity. 321-328.
92. Moving to another provider's Tessa will preserve the tax benefits if the money stays invested for five years.
93. All prescribed medications, hospital stays, and transportation were offered free of charge.
94. Bigdollar contributors were offered overnight stays in the Lincoln Bedroom.
95. The snow comes a little earlier and stays a little later up on the spruce ridges than it does below.
96. But what stays with me with complete clarity is that these serious older men were genuinely interested in me.
97. Many hotels offer discounts for stays of 3 nights or more, especially in the low season.
98. Fish photography is probably best started with a species that stays relatively still on the gravel.
99. Rooney stays away from the sideline, the locker room, and the headlines.
100. Branagh, who stays behind the camera this time, now works primarily in movies.
101. The average yachtsmen lashes his ensign to the backstay, and there it stays until it rots.
102. Used with diesel, alcohols cut crude oil use and help with emissions, yet engine power stays much the same.
103. Switzer is regarded as a figurehead who basically just stays out of the way.
104. Her batting average there: five stays of execution, one commuted to life in prison, and two men freed completely.
105. And it is also the reality that stays my hand from the noose and trap when Kasparov speaks.
106. The remainder stays in the donor stream with the large molecular weight substances and is subsequently discarded.
107. Holly will retain his scholarship as long as he stays in school, according to Frieder.
108. How long he stays a King is a point of contention.
109. Such reactions added nearly two days and $ 2, 000 to affected patients' hospital stays.
110. Perhaps, if he stays, he will never regain the confidence of the City.
111. Daniel will move into the new job in early February, as Yates stays to help with the transition.
112. She stays at home with her budgie, her partner and her two surviving children.
113. Books can capture injustices in a way that stays with you and makes you want to do something about them. That's why they are so powerful.Malala Yousafzai
114. When families can not afford this approach, they sometimes substitute less frequent, longer stays.
115. They promised short stays, more contacts with the outside world and treatment that stressed returning children home whenever possible.
116. And there she stays, waiting in an apartment near the center, for a heart to be donated.
117. It stays together throughout the students' two junior high and four high school years at Thayer.
118. When rock comes to rest under the influence of gravity it just stays there.
119. A band, large or small, that stays together plays better jazz together, and Rollins' sextet proves it.
120. Dixie climbs out to join me, but Carmichael stays inside.