stays造句211. The world-famous hospital is facing closure, but doctors and nurses are working very hard to make sure it stays open.
212. Gently stretch the rubber band around the card, making sure that it stays in the slot.
213. And now state legislators and members of Congress are proposing that insurers pay for two-day stays for mastectomies.
214. Stays are continuous over saddles in the pylon.
215. Sturdy nonskid base stays where you put it.
215. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday!
216. The saloon stays open all night.
217. People stays on blacktop, spread oneself.
218. By the time she caught sight of the Leyden house, she was beginning to pant, for her stays were tightly laced, but she did not slow her gait.
219. The golden willow at the river edge Is the setting sun's bride. Her quivering reflection Stays fixed in my mind.
220. If this outspoken MEP is a voice in the political wilderness, some of the Prime Minister's advisers will hope it stays that way.
221. The globe-trotting dunce is more stupid than the dunce who stays at home.
222. So how warm should a penguin egg be so that the chick stays healthy?
223. Description: Crassula perfossa is a small and compact mat forming succulent shrub let that stays relatively low and clumps readily.
224. The cable stays converge to a single point on the apex of the tower.
225. If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then whenever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.
226. A basilisk stays at range and targets its enemies with sleep.
227. Magpie shouldn't have been there, see, because it's a part of the condition of his parole that he stays away from friends and relatives and ex-convicts and just about everybody.
228. The traditional EFL reading teaching approach is mainly atomistic and form-oriented and the reading teaching only stays at the sentence level.
229. Mind goes, and forgetting stays. Waiting for next samsara. I will bury hope!
230. In air not current air conditioning house stays too longly, make person bosom chokes with resentment frowzily easily, giddy dazzled.
231. Analysts also say the seriousness of the crisis will depend on whether Greece stays within the euro common-currency zone or is forced to leave it, and return to the drachma as its national currency.
232. The world is brilliant. But little wonderfulness stays in the busy-looking crowd, until the accidental encounter with such a gorgeous handbag.
233. It cannot be good for a country to subscribe to a fairy-tale version of its own history in which the king never does wrong, stays above politics and only ever intervenes on the side of democracy.
234. The user fixes ohm holder to bicycle seat stays, ensuring the holder is in line with the ohm magnets.
235. Among the varieties available, my preference stays with the old and lovely pink-flowered variety, "Apple Blossom".
236. Well frog stays in well from its birthday to its death. The sky it can see as just as big as the mouth of the well. So people also laugh at its ill-informedness and narrow view.
237. My stays are so tight I know I'll never get through the day without belching.
238. Perfume gush leaves spot not easily in the dress material of abb , nylon . It is more difficult that nevertheless fragrance stays on pure wool dress material abreaction.
239. I'll do the paperwork, even if she stays less than a month.
240. Water also improves the depth of focus —the distances from the camera at which the image projected onto the photoresist stays acceptably sharp.